President Barack Obama
United States of America

This petition calls for the auditing of The Federal Reserve and the abolishing of it and The Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

It also calls for the repealing of the 16th Amendment. The creation of our money should be immediately returned solely to the U.S. Mint, U.S. Treasury and U.S. Government and once again backed by gold and overseeing of the U.S. Congress. This will restrict the private and rogue printing of our nation's currency and keep it from being devalued. It will also cure inflation.

It is against the law and unconstitutional for a private central bank to create our money and charge interest on it. Via the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Government is the only sovereign power granted permission to print, coin and issue our nation’s money.

In 1910, sitting Senator Nelson Aldrich, Henry Davison, A. Piatt Andrew, Benjamin Strong, Paul Warburg, and Frank Vanderlip, one by one, left New Jersey by a private train owned by J.P. Morgan and arrived on Jekyll Island, off the southern coast of Georgia at The Jekyll Island Club. Their purpose was to secretly devise a plan to restructure banking in North America. There, they created The Federal Reserve System. Their Federal Reserve Act which was enacted on December 22, 1913 and signed into law by sitting President Woodrow Wilson. With the enacting of this Act, instead of the U.S. Treasury printing our currency, interest free, the U.S. Government must borrow Federal Reserve Notes to fund its endeavors. American workers' labors are used as collateral, and are made to pay an unconstitutional direct tax on their labor to the U.S. Government, whom returns it to the Federal Reserve at interest. The founding of the Internal Revenue Service, also conceived in 1913, makes sure of this. Its sole purpose is to collect the tax burdened on the American people and their businesses, illegally.

The Federal Reserve is privately owned and is not a part of the U.S. Government. It costs between five and eight cents per note to create the Federal Reserve Notes. The notes have face value denominations of $1, $5, $10, and so on. So, if it costs the Federal Reserve only 7.8-8 cents to create a $100 note, the bank makes $99.90 plus on the creation of that one note. Take into account this same equation for the lesser denomination of notes.

Remember, Federal Reserve Notes get old and worn, so they have to print more for this reason as well. The new-currency budget for 2013 is over $800,000,000.00. The Fed prints over $700,000,000,000.00 a year which is loaned to the U.S. Government, at interest. Imagine how much money the owners and shareholders of the Fed are personally making.

Banks operate under a fractional reserve system. Which is non-the less a Ponzi scheme. Banks create something of value out of thin air through fraudulent book keeping, loaning out non-existent money. Only 3% of the world’s money in circulation is in the form of actual cash and coin. The rest is numbers typed into existence into various bank accounts. They hold only 10% of deposits and loan out the other 90%. They digitally create up to 10 times the amount of money that they actually have deposited, and charge interest on it all. It’s essentially legal counterfeiting. You and I would be imprisoned for this. As they did in the past, the U.S. Government could manufacture our currency for free with no interest. This is the way our founding fathers designed it to be done in the U.S. Constitution. It was and is our protection against private banks. When banks create money for a borrower, it is issued as debt. Keep in mind, they only create the principal. They do not create the money they expect for the future interest payments. This is the cycle.

There is not enough money in existence to pay back the interest on the money borrowed. What is the amount that the U.S. government has promised in the form of Medicare, Social Security and monies at times of unexpected natural disasters, minus the amount it expects to collect in taxes? The U.S. national debt is over $16,000,000,000,000.00 and counting. When you factor in unfunded liabilities, it’s over $100,000,000,000,000.00 and counting. The debt simply can never be paid back under the Federal Reserve’s system of money creation.

There are two kinds of taxes, direct taxes and indirect taxes. No matter the name applied to any tax, it remains a direct tax or an indirect tax. Whether it bears the name sales tax, impost tax, excise tax, post tax, or what have you, they remain a direct tax or an indirect tax.

The definition of the word income, from the Black’s Dictionary of Law, 1891 edition, is the one that would’ve been in place at the time of debate and passing of the 16th Amendment. It quotes income as, “a tax on the yearly profits arising from property, professions, trades and offices.” Meaning, it was and is a tax on businesses and the profits those businesses made. Also, the Judicial and statutory definition of words and phrases by The West Publishing Company, in 1904, defines income tax as quote, “it is a tax that relates to the product or income from property of or from business pursuits.” There are no mentions of wages or salaries in either. People are not businesses. Keep in mind big corporations like the Bank of America, Google and Apple pay no taxes on their profits. Although by law, according to the 16th Amendment, they are to pay taxes on their profits earned from doing business.

The Federal Government rests its authority to collect income tax from the people solely on the 16th Amendment being added to the U.S. Constitution, the federal income tax amendment, which was allegedly ratified in 1913. In 1894 Congress passed an income tax act very similar to the current income tax law. It was The Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act of 1894, which was an attempt to impose a federal tax of 2% on incomes over $4,000.00. It was challenged by the people on the basis that a tax on income is a direct tax, the United States Constitution requires direct taxes to be apportioned, and the act passed by Congress was not apportioned. The United States Supreme Court agreed and held the income tax act as unconstitutional (Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co.). Up to this point, it had been difficult for Congress to impose a national income tax that applied to all forms of income until the 16th Amendment was passed by Congress in 1909 and purportedly ratified in 1913.

The 16th Amendment, which overrules the effect of Pollock, means when imposing an income tax, the Congress may impose the tax on income "from whatever source derived" without having to apportion the total dollar amount of tax collected from each state according to each state's population in relation to the total national population. As a result, after the 16th Amendment, no Federal income taxes are required to be apportioned, as per the U.S. Constitution, regardless of whether they are direct taxes (taxes on income from property) or indirect taxes (all other income taxes, including your labor).

Article V of the U.S. Constitution defines the ratification process. It requires 3/4 of the states to ratify any amendment proposed by the U.S. Congress. There were 48 states in the American Union in 1913, meaning the affirmative action of 36 states was necessary for ratification. In February 1913, sitting Secretary of State Philander Knox falsely proclaimed that 38 had ratified the Amendment. Note,

 Kentucky: The Senate voted on the resolution, but rejected it by a vote of 9 in favor and 22 opposed.
 Minnesota: The State sent nothing to the Secretary of State in Washington.
 California: The legislature never recorded votes on any proposal to adopt the amendment proposed by Congress.
 Oklahoma: The Senate amended the language of the 16th Amendment to have a precisely opposite meaning.

Researching nationwide in 1984, William J. Benson, the co-author of “The Law That Never Was: The Fraud of the 16th Amendment and Personal Income Tax”, published in 1985 with Martin J. "Red" Beckman, discovered that the 16th Amendment was not ratified by the requisite 3/4 of the states and that sitting Secretary of State Philander Knox had fraudulently declared ratifications. This extensive research had never been performed before. He investigated the process of ratification of the 16th Amendment. After traveling to the capitols of the New England states and reviewing journals of the state legislative bodies, he saw that many states had not ratified. After researching at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., he concluded that,

 7 states (Connecticut, Florida, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia) did not ratify the amendment, and it was reported as such.
 2 states (Kentucky and Tennessee) did not ratify the amendment, but Secretary Knox reported that they did.
 8 states (Delaware, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont and Wyoming) were reported by Secretary Knox as having ratified the amendment, but the States actually have missing or incomplete records of the ratification procedures or votes, and there is no conclusive record that they ratified the amendment or reported any ratification to the Secretary of State.
 6 states (Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, and Washington State) did approve the amendment, but the Governor or another official who was required by their respective state constitutions to sign the legislation into law did not sign the legislation.
 In 25 states (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington State, West Virginia and Wyoming), the legislature violated a provision of its state constitution during the ratification process.
 29 states (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming) violated state law or procedural rules during the ratification process.
 22 states approved the amendment, but with changes in wording, and the inexact version were accepted as a ratification of the original version.
 1 state approved the amendment, but with variations in spelling, and the inexact version was accepted as a ratification of the original version.
 At least 26 states approved the amendment, but with changes in punctuation, and the inexact version were accepted as a ratification of the original version.

Benson asserted that the Oklahoma State Legislature changed the wording of the amendment they approved so that it meant the opposite of the original amendment as it was submitted to the States by Congress, but that Secretary Knox counted Oklahoma as having approved the amendment.

Benson also asserted, as an example of a state’s violation of its own Constitution, laws, or procedural rules, the claim that the Tennessee State Constitution prohibited the legislature from acting on any proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution submitted by Congress until after the next state legislative elections. According to Benson, the Tennessee legislature acted on the proposed 16th Amendment the same month it was received (prior to any new state legislative elections).

By the end of 1984, Bill had visited the capitol of every state from 1913 and learned that not a single one had legally ratified the proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution. 33 states engaged in the unauthorized activity of altering the language of an amendment proposed by Congress, a power that the states do not possess. Since 36 states were needed for ratification, the failure of 13 to ratify was fatal to the Amendment. This occurs within the major (first 3) defects in Defects in Ratification of the 16th Amendment. Even if we were to ignore defects of spelling, capitalization and punctuation, we would still have only 2 states which successfully ratified.

From the Great Depression, to the stagflation of the seventies, to the burst of the dotcom bubble, to the current recession, every economic downturn suffered by the United States over the last 100 years can be traced to Federal Reserve policies. The Fed has consistently flooded our economy with its notes, leading to artificial booms followed by recessions or depressions when the Fed retracts the money supply. Corrupt and non-acting Government officials who have violated their oaths of office should be impeached and brought to trial. Inflation erodes savings and devalues our nation’s currency.

We the people call for the U.S. Congress to pay off the national debt with debt-free U.S. notes, abolish fractional reserve banking, repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the National Banking act of 1864, and Withdraw the United States from the International Monetary Fund, the Bank of International Settlements and the World Bank. Such a monetary reform act would guarantee that the amount of money in circulation would remain stable, eliminating devaluation and inflation once and forever.

Join us on our mission to have the Federal Reserve and corrupt entities alike audited and abolished. And see to it our freedoms and sovereignty is restored.

We, the American people, stand together and demand an audit and immediate abolishing of The Federal Reserve.

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The Audit and Abolish The Federal Reserve petition to President Barack Obama was written by Erik Fleming and is in the category Government at GoPetition.