
case to inform you of our decision;
As it is known, the activities of the teachers and the activities of the teachers' union in our university are not clear; there are various limitations, what should be the role of our teachers in correcting this, what are the responsibilities of the institute, what are the rights of teachers and what are our and our institution's challenges? A telegram group has been set up to find solutions to similar problems. It is necessary to form an association that works with the teachers to protect the interests and rights of teachers. This is due to the fact that the capacity of the teachers' union at the university has been weakened and the attention given to teachers has been declining in various fields.
Teachers who are willing and willing to do so met on May 15, 2013 at the Bens Icon Hotel and discussed various agendas and agreed that it would be appropriate to take two different approaches to achieve the goal. These
1. Sharing challenges by approaching the teachers' union operating in the university
2. The teachers' union at the university was not seen as such, so they had already selected representatives and talked to the concerned parties. After discussing the final proposals, the meeting unanimously decided that we should discuss with the teachers 'union to find a solution to the problems, and also assigned some teachers to attend the teachers' meeting and arrange a discussion day.
The second job was to call the teachers' union to explain the idea and we would like to see him talk for a few hours. The principal agreed that he would agree and that he would not have time for the time being, but we did not call again for more than two weeks.
With this in mind, the Interim Coordinating Committee proposed the following. If there is a Teachers' Association, which was second on the first day of the meeting and has gathered a petition in each department, we will convene a forum this week. He decided that we should not collect the signatures that required it to be prepared.

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for hair extensions:
1. The issue of housing and the construction of teachers' quarters, which restricts the organization of university teachers
2. Desert and Vulnerability Allowance
3. Regular dismissal of senior teachers and the future of the university
4. In general, the services being provided to teachers in the context of national higher education institutions, etc., will be processed through the Online Portal or through representatives from each college and department.
Feb 19 at 21:07
query of questions to ask the university management and the town administration for challenges we are facing in
1. home issue
2. hard ship issue
3. family education issue
4. health insurance issue
5. etc..

let the university managements call as for meeting or university officials respond for our visible questions

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The Assosa University sign of agreement to ask for change petition to mobilization was written by Meseret Yitayew and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.