#Consumer Affairs
All MobileMe users

MobileMe was released to the world as a finished product on July 11, 2008. It promised game-changing functionality but delivered anything but.

This is not like Apple. And Apple is virtually silent on the issue (save for a meager free month extension on the service).

Dear Apple,

I am loyal fan of your fantastic company.

You have however released a product which is grossly deficient.

Over the last several years you have spent and made millions from Get a Mac ads that bashed Microsoft products, touting your superiority and reliability. Well, those remarks were generally accurate until July 11, 2008 when MobileMe was released.

I implore you, please reconsider this release, mark it Beta and refund the cost of the service until it is functional. Extending a free month is not sufficient. Many users depend on connectivity to both work and play. iPhone 3G promised that and has failed.

I hope you rectify this enormous shortcoming and restore your usual stellar corporate reputation to its previous state.


A loyal Apple enthusiast.

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The Apple: Please Fix MobileMe ASAP or Refund Subscribers petition to All MobileMe users was written by Dub and is in the category Consumer Affairs at GoPetition.

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