Government of Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe has never been free in known history.
Its people are still not free.
The tyrant Robert Mugabe was removed.
However little has changed in the lives of the people.
President Emmerson Mnangawa committed to
"Restructure, Reform, Rebuild".
A new and different way of governing is needed.
"Power poiltics" has failed the country and its people.
It cannot be that Robert Mugabe was removed and still people await freedom.

An Appeal to President Emmerson Mnangagwa;
The African Union; SADC.

A. On behalf of our people in Zimbabwe; on behalf of all Africans; on behalf of humanity, We are appealing you to now do the right thing.
It is long overdue. Our people in Zimbabwe have never known freedom in the last 300 years whether under White rule or African rule.
So much blood was spilled, so much suffering was endured, so much human sacrifice was made, in order to secure freedom for our people in 1980.
Mr President, you were part of that fight for freedom. The AU and SADC were fervently in support of freedom.
It has all failed. All your well-meant efforts have failed. Our people are now in what many would call a hell-hole of human misery.
The "power politics" mode has failed. It continues to be a story of brutal human misery.
The definition of madness is continuing in the same mode and expecting a different result.
So please have the humility to accept the reality of this failure. Let us accept unequivocally that we Africans have failed. Let us do so in all humility.
Most importantly let us commit to resolving the plight of our people and delivering freedom to them for the first time. Mr President you have accepted that this is the challenge and you committed to achieving it.

B. There is a solution. It is a solution steeped in the simplicity of truth and reality.
The primary reason why the country cannot be currently rehabilitated is that its government lacks local and especially international credibility.
The world is now “globalized”. No country can survive without the acceptance, cooperation, approval and support of other countries. This is a resolutive condition of survival and success.

C. In order to achieve this critically important local and international support Government needs to be reconstituted so as to be representative of all the people of Zimbabwe.
A government of true national unity has never been more critical.

D. Zimbabwe has always been blessed with very good infrastructure resources and human capital of real quality.
Our people are renowned across the planet for their exceptional ability, talents and work ethic.
For those reasons it has always been earmarked by international investors as a highly preferent destination.
A government that is truly representative and committed to national development will undoubtedly achieve the long overdue credibility needed and attract a flood of investment ... overnight!!
Zimbabwe is endowed with exceptionally talented people internally and across this planet.
That human capital needs to be harnessed and embedded at leadership level in order to pull our country out of the quagmire of human misery that it is in right now.
It is an obscene contradiction that Zimbabwe has the best human capital but languishes in a quagmire of failure.

We are sure that you know this. We are sure it has all been confirmed to you by the likes of Senators Chris Coons and Jeff Flake of the USA.

E. Mr President –
i) engage independent international and local expertise on the way forward;
ii) appoint a government of real national unity that comprises people of talent and integrity and representative of our people at all levels;
iii) mandate it to, without delay, configure a road map to socio-economic freedom for our people;
iv) implement that road map without fear, favour or prejudice.
v) When you do this our people will support you as a true leader committed to their freedom;
vii) the free world will support you for drawing our people into the mass of freed humans;
viii) the ancestral spirits will be pacified as the blood spilled in the cause of freedom will not have been in vain;
ix) and as a human being you will have made a difference, a real difference, a most precious difference, and not wasted your life at the altar of diabolical failure like your now hated predecessor.

You have the power to do this.
So do it.
Deliver our people to freedom.

Your personal motto is - "Restructure; Reform; Rebuild".
Please do it.

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The Appeal to President Emmerson Mnangagwa petition to Government of Zimbabwe was written by Chris Greenland and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.