President Donald Trump
United States of America

I've wanted to own and carry a gun for self defense, but due to the law that states that anyone wishing to own and carry a gun has to have a firearms license, I'd have to purchase a firearms license to legally carry a firearm. I don't like that. I'm looking for a change in the law that allows unlicensed individuals to legally carry a firearm.

We, the people of the United States, call on the power of President Donald Trump to add an amendment to the United States Constitution that allows the legal unlicensed carry of firearms. We do not take too kindly to having to buy a firearms license to carry a firearm legally. We believe it's time for change. We believe that carrying a firearm without a license should be legal. President Trump, please take action with this petition and legalize the unlicensed open carry of firearms. Firearms were meant for self defense and wild game hunting. Not for killing innocent people and pets. We fear that people that want to legally and openly carry firearms will riot one day if the law does not get changed to allow the unlicensed open carry of firearms.

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The Allow Unlicensed Individuals to Own and Carry a Gun petition to President Donald Trump was written by Kurtis Saar and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.