#Roads & Transport
Georgia Department of Transportation
United States of America

I am a resident in the North Paulding area and have a child in both, Burnt Hickory Elementary School and North Paulding High School. If you're familiar with the North Paudling School District, you know that morning school traffic is backed up from the schools themselves all the way out Harmony Grove Church Road, almost to Cedarcrest Road. One of the reasons I believe, is because the high school and elementary school traffic only have one lane to use. When turning left into the district from Harmony Grove Church Road, you have to immediately merge right because... "left lane must turn left" and that lane turns into the middle school. That causes traffic in the left lane to come to a stop so they can at least [try to] merge into the right lane, which is dangerous for other vehicles coming into the district as well and causing more back-ups. Elementary school starts at 8 am, high school starts at 8:35 and middle school starts at 8:40, so why exactly wouldn't we (the parents and students trying to get our children to the elementary and high school, [which start earlier]) be able to use both lanes?

We the undersigned are asking the Georgia Department of Transportation to open up the left lane within the North Paulding School District, allowing its use by all school traffic. There is a sign saying "left lane must turn left", therefore we must get in the already congested right lane if we need to go to the elementary school or high school. After passing the middle school, it then opens up to both lanes being used with a right turning lane for elementary school, a middle lane giving the option to turn right or continue straight and a left lane to continue straight to the high school.

We feel if that lane was open to all traffic, as opposed to being reserved for left hand turns, it would:

*Reduce the wait time for parents and students to get to school since there will be more than one lane in use.

*Reduce the amount of traffic backed up out Harmony Grove Church Road.

As well as...

*Make an easier and a more safe merge to the right lane from the left hand turns from Harmony Grove Church Road.

As an experienced driver for seventeen years, it makes me nervous trying to merge into the right lane to get to the elementary and high school, imagine how it is for the students whom are just learning to drive?

Paulding County was listed as the eighth fastest growing counties in the nation for about nine years, so North Paulding High School was built and was supposed to have opened in 2008 but had to open a year earlier due to over crowding in East Paulding. My point is that it's this particular district people are wanting to move to, so that involves more congestion in the mornings and we believe one lane just isn't enough to accommodate our needs to get our children to school on time or safely.

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The Allow incoming traffic in the North Paulding School district to use BOTH left and right lanes. petition to Georgia Department of Transportation was written by Christi Webb and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.