All UK and International Citizens
United Kingdom

I Strongly agree and thank the poster of a previous petition to request the withdrawl of the London 2012 Olympic logo, with nearly 50K signatories I wish to continue the voicing of opinion that this logo is a shamefull dishonour to the great works carried out by Lord Coe and the team which he represented in achieving the honour of hosting what is the unquestionable, world sporting showcase!

As well as showing little respect to all nations athletes who have worked so hard to achieve the honour od attending these games as a representative of their nation, both 'able bodied' and' paralympions'. I feel, as a graphic designer that it represents NOTHING of what our nation, with its multicultural diversity, and the richness of culture that produces. I do not wish to be jingostic, and put this petition with no political agenda.

Recent polls, and interactive polls, have produced many many alternatives that so much more, reflect the, location, importance, and the magnitude of the event. I feel the curent logo to be something that does none of those things, Instead, I beleive it only generates an on running feeling of (and I paraphrase) "oh c**p is THAT all we could come up with", combined with an almost matter of course 'acceptance' with what is so too often mediocre!

We the undersigned, petition for the removal of the currently accepted Logo for the London 2012 Olympics, and request a design more suited to Promote the games with a degree in pride for the Uk and the diversity for which it stands.

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The Against London 2012 Olympic logo petition to All UK and International Citizens was written by Paul Webster and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.