The Global Investment Community

The ET Index Series ranks corporations listed on major stock markets against their absolute greenhouse gas emissions, this data is referenced against information from the Carbon Disclosure Project www.cdproject.net and company reports. It adjusts the weightings given to those companies within their respective indexes according to their position in the Carbon Ranking. If the adjusted indexes are supported by a sufficiently large pool of index investors, companies will have a new and fundamental incentive to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to avoid their share price being damaged by their position in the index.

The ET Index Series is being sponsored by the Environmental Investment Organisation www.eio.org.uk, a non-profit specialist NGO of 15 years standing in the field of ecological and ethical investment systems. For a more detailed explanation of the mechanics of the ET Index innovation or to see the ET Global Carbon Rankings please visit www.ETindex.com. Alterntavely you can download a free copy the accompanying book at www.Solution2GlobalWarming.org

To view a visual explanation of the concept in under 3 minutes:

Thank you for your support,

The EIO Team

We, the undersigned,

Respectfully call upon the global Investment Community to make full and rapid use of the newly launched Environmental Tracking (ET) Index Ranking innovation.

Furthermore, to do so on a scale that would materially incentivize radical corporate global greenhouse gas reduction strategies across all industries within one decade.

In the post Copenhagen world, we face a pivotal choice. Sit back and wait for the world's Governments to solve this most serious and urgent of problems, or back an alternative. The EIO takes the view that the climate emergency, far from being overstated, represents a risk to human welfare far greater than any of us have fully understood.

The ET Carbon Rankings offer a strategic opportunity to take the initiative. It simply requires the investment system to be persuaded to track a series of indexes that are virtually identical to the indexes they already track, while still creating radical incentives for companies to fully disclose and ultimately start reducing emissions on a worldwide basis. There is no logical basis for ignoring this proposal.

We call upon all investment organisations to fully commit 1% of their assets to Environmental Tracking and we call upon investor groups such as the UN Principles of Responsible Investment, the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change and the Carbon Disclosure Project to publicly support this 1% target.

We call upon all the world’s leading investment institutions to live up to their public pledges and environmental responsibilities and to act now, for the benefit of all long-term investors, wider society and the next generation. In short, to serve humanity rather than damage it.

The Adopt Environmental Tracking as a form of investment to incentivize greenhouse gas emission reduction petition to The Global Investment Community was written by Sam Gill and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.