#City & Town Planning
Rural Municipility of Gimli, Manitoba

Canadian Corporate Real Estate Services, which has developed North Gimli Estates, as Phase 1 & Phase 2 in the RM of Gimli Manitoba 10 miles north of Gimli.

Since 2007 they have disturbed the ECO System of water, destroyed the natural wildlife inhabitants such as the White Tail Deer, Bald Eagles, and numerous other wildlife that had claim their home in a 100 acre parcel of land located between Brewster Road and Glen Bay Road.

Phase 1 Development Agreement with RM of Gimli in a planning hearing 25th July 2007 was resolved that Council do hereby approve the Development Agreement with Misty Lake Lodge for Subdivision file 4129-04-4447 Phase One.

Phase 1 & Phase 2 have been completed, yet they have not have the land endorsed or inspected by the Provincial Authorities as too proper water drainage and keeping the existing natural habitat with keeping in mind the balance of nature and development.

Twin Pines Trailer Park & Misty Lake Lodge on the 3rd Feb 2010 - RMG-09-10-01C - Application for Conditional Use - Misty Lake Lodge & Twin Pines entered into a Public Hearing to hear the application for Conditional Use, RMG-10-01C -Misty Lake Lodge/Twin Pines Travel Trailer Park.

Misty Lake Lodge - Twin Pines Travel Trailer Park, owner/applicant of property legally described as SW 1/4 33-20-4E (Corner of Glen Bay and PR 222) and located in the Rural Municipality of Gimli, applied to the Rural Municipality of Gimli Council for the approval of a Conditional Use under the Rural Municipality of Gimli Zoning By-Law # 10-95, provided under: Part 7 of Chapter P80 of the Planning Act as it applies to the property in order:

To: permit the continuation and expansion of an existing "Travel Trailer Park" in the SRG (Recreation Resort General) Zone, as per condition of sub-division approval.

And after careful consideration of the application and any representations made for or against the Conditional Use Order sought by the applicant, the Rural Municipality of Gimli Council in meeting duly assembled this February 3rd, 2010 approve the said Conditional Use, subject to entering into an acceptable Development Agreement.

The Conditional Use shall Expire and Cease to have any effect if it is not acted upon within 12 months from the date of decision, unless it is renewed before the expiry date at the discretion of Council for an additional period not exceeding 12 months.

As of September of this year Canadian Corporate Real Estate Services has illegally bull dozed back filled a old existing stream ditch and bush cut close to 40 of the 80 acres of wood land AS NOT FOR THE EXPANDED Trailer park, but has built internal roads and ditches to support a new sub-division for 128 new developed home sites. This has been done without prior approval from the RM of Gimli, nor any ditching permits from the Water Stewardship Board in the RM of Gimli.

As on the 13th Jan 2011 Misty Lake Lodge has made an application to the NEW RM of Gimli Council for Phase 3 of the new advertised sub-division in North Gimli Estates to build internal roads and sub divide for 128 homes.

In the past 12 months Misty Lake Lodge has promoted the NEW Phase 3 in conjunction with CANADIAN CORPORATE REAL ESTATE SERVICES on their WEB sites that Phase 1 & Phase 2 is SOLD OUT and NOW is selling lots in Phase 3.

PHASES 3 has been built under the radar from the RM of Gimli, and now are requesting a planning hearing for their new development as after the FACT of constructing the development prior to approval.

We the residents of the areas described request support for the general public of the RM of Gimli, and summer residents to BOYCOTT MISTY LAKE LODGE and the CANADIAN CORPORATE REAL ESTATE SERVICES, from destroying the land in the area as under the Manitoba Endangered Species ACT & Manitoba Wildlife ACT, protect the existing nesting Bald Eagles.

By signing this petition you are protecting the wildlife and the wooded areas within the RM of Gimli. By expressing your concern and signing this Petition as well voicing in your words send an email to the following:

Mayor Lyn Greenberg Email: greenberg@rmgimli.com
Luke Zaborosky Email: zaborosky@rmgimli.com
Danny Luprypa Email: luprypa@rmgimli.com
Richard Petrowski Email: petrowski@rmgimli.com
Peter Peiluck Email: peiluck@rmgimli.com
HON Peter Bjornson Email: gimlimla@mts.net

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The Protect Brewster Bay & Glen Bay from Canadian Corporate Real Estate Services petition to Rural Municipility of Gimli, Manitoba was written by Brewster Bay & Glen Bay Residents and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.