#Children's Rights
District Attorney of Dona Ana county, Susana Martinez. Third Judicial District Attorney's Office

Baby Brianna Lopez was 5 months old when she died as a result of prolonged abuse and sexual assault at the hands of her father, uncle and mother. Brianna Lopez's family were sentenced to prison for their crime. No one laid claim to this baby's body after she had died so the community of Las Cruces came forward to lay claim to Brianna and honour her at her funeral whilst the Dona Ana county donated the funds for her burial site.

Brianna's remaining family held a small and quick burial in a private cemetery, excluding other family members. No headstone was placed at her grave, only a marker was placed on the site then the burial mound raked flat. People of the community came to honour this baby by laying flowers. As the family wanted her death to be quiet they ordered a metal cage be placed over the burial site to discourage people from honouring her. The cage has surrounded baby Briannas resting place for eight years. Unfortunately the family has maintained this as it is a legal right.

This petition will go towards supporting the District Attorney of Dona Ana county, Susana Martinez in achieving what baby Brianna Lopez is entitled to, the removal of the cage and a proper burial with a headstone.

Please email any messages to too.luckie@hotmail.com

We, the people undersigned, call on the Third Judicial District Attorney Susana Martinez, Senator Mary-Jane Garcia and the community of Las Cruces, Dona Ana County, New Mexico to petition the legal removal of the metal enclosure surrounding baby Brianna Lopez' burial site and ensuring Brianna Lopez a proper burial and a headstone.

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The Legal removal of the metal enclosure surrounding baby Brianna Lopez' burial site petition to District Attorney of Dona Ana county, Susana Martinez. Third Judicial District Attorney's Office was written by anthony avila and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.