United Nations

Now I know, "Hey guy isn't anarchy destructive and we would all kill ourselves with out government." Well we are the government for one and are being controlled by both well meaning people but also by many morons and people who want to control us and spy on us. Like satellite pics of you in your house and spying on your phone calls. And wars caused by conflicting government.

With a peaceful anarchy with main laws we can do fine. Now Anarchy seems like it will work because it will. Because every government is wrong. no government works because government itself doesn't world.

Anarchy forever!!! Please sign this petition.

We the undersigned, We the people of planet Earth now see only one way to live peacefully and with the knowledge of the global economy itself being wrong as money is wrong and as all government being wrong because we are all individuals and that yet their can be basic laws all people must follow in the ever gigantic struggle for freedom.

This is Anarchy and we now, we the knowing, we the people, we the real government are now choosing Anarchy. UN... we will be meeting peacefully and rationally soon. Peace, love, hope, individuality, freedom, and Anarchy.

We the people say Anarchy now, anarchy forever. Thank you for your time.

The Yes to Anarchy petition to United Nations was written by James O'Brien and is in the category Government at GoPetition.

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