#Animal Welfare
Residents of Yester Oaks Apartments
United States of America

Yester Oaks Apartments is home to not only its paying residents, but also to dozens of feral cats. The cat population is naturally increasing. A great solution to this problem is Trap Neuter Return programs. These programs trap the cats, neuter or spay them, and return them to the same area they were found.

These programs typically are ran using donations. With the support of a handful of residents, the Azalea Cat Coalition (a TNR program) came to trap cats and successfully trapped, spayed and neutered and returned three feral cats. Unfortunately, a nosy neighbor decided to complain to the front office about the releasing of the cats.

Now, Yester Oaks Apartments (or Delaney Inc.) currently prohibits any Trap Neuter Return programs from coming on the premises whereas they used to only prohibit the releasing of the cats on the property.

I am asking you, as residents of Yester Oaks and those who care about the welfare of animals, to stand behind the trap neuter return programs, in order to decrease our feral cat population and therefore declare your support for the use of trap neuter return programs in our complex.

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The Allow Trap Neuter Return Programs at Yester Oaks Apartments petition to Residents of Yester Oaks Apartments was written by Kelley Morris and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.