U.S. Government and Bush administration

The War on drugs in Mexico had totaled the casualties in the war in Iraq, yet with lack of pure support or efforts of our U.S. government instead has brought a propagative agenda towards ones border; Mexico.

This is not only segregation of one ethnic group for instance the border fence on the Mexico and U.S. border but, promotes patriotism as a means of suppression and a mockery of U.N asylum to waring countries, and to mention the minute men. Bias crime statutes in the United States encompass crimes that are motivated by the race, color, ethnicity, national origin, or religion of the victim. Many reach sexual orientation or gender as well, and some include other categories such as age or disability.

Bias crime laws may either create a specific crime of bias-motivated violence or raise the penalty of a crime when committed with bias motivation. For instance the border patrol agents that where prosecuted for shooting the illegal at the Rio Grande River where victims of president Bush and his administration of a promotion of a hate crime. Also, the brave soldeir that gave his life for his country and fellow marines, was not given the medal of honor is bias due to his hispanic origin.

Also review the production of a hate crimes by the means of patriotism....

We the supporters of Human dignity and the United States here make a declaration and investigation for the prosecution of President George W. Bush and responsible cabinet, secretaries, ect... For the Hate Crimes on Humanity and deprivation of liberty to a particular ethnic group of an national origin of Mexican. In the name of charity we rebuke you.

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The Presidential Hate crimes petition to U.S. Government and Bush administration was written by truism and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

hate crimes