London, UK: A new campaign group has formed to oppose changes to UK Medicine laws and proposals for the Government to regulate herbalists.

Cropwatch, The National Health Federation – UK, International Register of Consultant Herbalist and Homeopaths (IRCH), Unani Tibb (Mohsin Institute), Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (ARH), Independent and Individual herbalists Philip Evans, Jennifer Wharam and Chris Caton, have formed an Alliance ‘Save Our Herbs; the Campaign for the Protection of Herbal Medicine’.

We urge everyone, worldwide to take a look at our website, sign our petition, respond to the DH recent consultation document, write to their MP’s, join our supporter’s forum and spread the word! Your Traditional Herbal Medicines Need You.

Without your support our traditional herbal medicines could become obsolete, inaccessible and your freedom of choice taken from you.

If you care about Herbal Medicine and want to preserve it for future generations please sign our petition which will be presented to government as part of our campaign.

For more information see
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