South Carolina: The war on cannabis began in the United States in the early 1900's and has proven to be a failed policy that has shown no progress and has only resulted in the arrests of millions of U.S. citizens and labeled them as "criminals" causing lifelong social consequences thus exacerbating a problem that belongs in the category of public health and not law enforcement.

Medical marijuana is now legal in 18 states and Washington D.C. while marijuana in general has been fully legalized in 2 more states. Legalization is overwhelmingly supported by people under the age of 40 who have seen firsthand accounts of the social consequences that result from the arrests of so many people because they use a relatively harmless substance when compared to other potentially harmful substances such as fast food, sodas, alcohol, hard drugs etc.

Congress has continually shown no interest in addressing this issue due to the fact that re-election is more important these days than addressing the real problems that our country faces and they are simply too afraid of being seen as "soft" on drugs even though the public is increasingly sick and tired of wasting scarce resources on this losing battle.

The most common sense way that we, the people, can solve this issue is to use our constitutional right of jury nullification when we are called on to serve in a jury related to potential marijuana convictions.

Help to promote this cause by signing the petition found here.

By signing this petition we can stand together in taking a compassionate and logical approach to the failed marijuana prohibition policies in the United States, while also saving the American taxpayer a fortune.

Source: Common Sense (name withheld for privacy reasons)

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