A BOOKSHOP owner is angry his home and business are to be bulldozed to make way for a development he says is "a massive monstrosity".

But pub-goers are happy after plans to flatten their local, which began serving pints in the 1820s, were dropped.

Developer Rock Investments is set to build shops and 106 homes on a site in Bardsley Lane, off Creek Road, Greenwich.

It wanted to demolish the Lord Hood pub in Creek Road as part of the development but dropped the plan after residents protested.

The current planning permission was agreed by Greenwich Council on May 31.

But the move has angered David Herbert, who runs Greenwich Bookplace in Creek Road, where he has lived and worked for 33 years.

Mr Herbert says he will turn down any offer from the developer to buy his property.

But he expects Greenwich Council will use a compulsory purchase order to force him to sell it.

He has written to London Mayor Ken Livingstone calling for him to save his shop and the green space which will be built on as part of the development.

Mr Herbert said: "No amount of money they offer me will be enough to make what they are doing right.

"When I saw the plans for this thing I was appalled.

"They are replacing trees, grass and green space with a massive monstrosity."

But Lord Hood landlady Helen Carolan is happy her pub has been saved.

She said: "I'd like to thank everyone who helped us save the pub. We are all extremely pleased."

A spokesman for Greenwich Council said: "The development will require certain properties to be demolished.

"If the scheme is to be pursued the developer will need to acquire these properties."

He added: "The acquisition of properties required to implement a planning permission is not a material planning consideration."

A spokesman for Rock Investments said: "The scheme is set to dramatically improve the streetscape along a key gateway into Greenwich, provide new amenities and enhance key features of the World Heritage site."

Mr Herbert has set up a petition to save Greenwich's green space at gopetition.co. uk/petitions/keep-greenwich-green.html

Source:  Jeremy Grimaldi  newsshopper.co.uk