Anime, Congoers, Saboten, People who love Emiri xD
United States of America

"Steve Nunez, aka Warky T. Chocobo, grew up playing video games, first on his commodore 64, and eventually at the ripe age of 5, playing Nintendo. Steve remembers popping in Super Mario Brothers, and from the moment that first note played, he was hooked. Not only were the games fun, but he remembers being enthralled with the battle music that played when he first popped in Final Fantasy.

Steve wanted to learn to play piano so that he could recreate the melodic tones he heard. Being too poor for piano lessons, Steve taught himself to play the piano without using his thumbs. Since then, he has played and sang many conventions including I-con in New York, Anime Banzai in Utah, and Otakon in Maryland. His most recent cd releases include Mormon Parody Music, "They MIght Be Elders", as well as a Co-Op Project of personally created Video Game Music, "Destiny's Tears". You can hear more of his work at www.TheyMightBeElders.com & www.myspace.com/WarkyandJustin ."

Here are some clips of me playing piano:
SLC, UT Anime Banzai Opening Exercises
SLC UT Banzai Brawl

Please show your support to have the Warky Chochobo play at Saboten this year. Trust me you will love him and if you don't.... I don't know what is wrong with you.
Anyways go check out his videos on youtube and sign this petition.

Btw he plays really good backgorund music for events. That Cosplay chess for yah :3

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The We want Warky! petition to Anime, Congoers, Saboten, People who love Emiri xD was written by Romy and is in the category Music at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

music keyboard guest anime con