House of Commons

On Monday, February 14, 2022, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau chose to invoke the Emergency Act to deal with the ongoing truckers' protest. This protest has been an overwhelmingly peaceful protest by Canadians against the various provincial and federal mandates in place regarding the Covid pandemic, which are now no longer necessary, if indeed they ever were.
The Emergency Act is the successor to the infamous War Measures Act which was invoked by this prime minister's father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, in 1970 after militant Quebec separatists kidnapped a British diplomat and a provincial Cabinet minister. That was a true and real crisis affecting the nation. In this instance, Canadian citizens are dancing in the streets, bringing their children with them to protest in Ottawa.
The Truckers' Protest is not a crisis - it is an inconvenience, but this government is unable to handle the situation and it shows.
Canadians are furious with this overreach of government power and demand that it stops.
By signing this petition, you are telling the government that you do not support the invocation of the Emergency Act, and that you will not vote for any member of the House of Commons who votes in favour of it.
Maybe, when our politicians realize that Canadians will not accept this insanity, and that their jobs are on the line, we'll be able to stop this foolish, abusive and ill considered act on the part of the Prime Minister.
It is important that you sign this petition immediately - we only have a few days to stop this insanity.
And please - share this petition on your Facebook and other social media pages - help get the word out to every Canadian from sea to sea.

We, the undersigned, call on the House of Commons to vote against the invocation of the Emergency Act when it comes up for a vote. We further assure the members of the House of Commons that we will not vote for any Member who votes in favour of the Emergency Act.

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The Stop the Emergency Act petition to House of Commons was written by Wally Moran and is in the category Government at GoPetition.