The Jamaican Government

Only some type of plastic bottles can be recycled. Others that cannot be recycled end up in lying stagnant in landfills, leaching dangerous chemicals in the ground or they infiltrate our streets as litter. They are found on sidewalks, rivers, parks, etc and they take more than a human lifetime to decompose. If this problem can be solved it would be of extreme help to our eco system and help Jamaica to be more sustainable. I believe the effects should be taught in schools and communities, they should be educated about the effects plastic has on the environment.

Plastics are everywhere and we use them every day. Plastics are used in car parts and for all kinds of storage. Most stores also bag your items in plastic bags. Some plastics are soft while others are hard, almost like glass. If you drink water from a bottle, that bottle is most likely plastic. Plastic is relatively inexpensive so it is used in many applications. I am petitioning for the immediate withdrawal of the use of some plastic bottles in our country. We as a country do no practice a lot of sustainability and I would like us at least start somewhere.
However there are two types of plastics, thermoplastics and thermosets. Thermoplastics are plastics made to be melted again, placed in a mold to make something, and melted again if needed to make something else. Polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon, and polycarbonate are examples of thermoplastics.Thermosets are plastics that are made into products right away and cannot be melted to make something else again. Much like a clay pot is baked to set it, thermosets are plastics that are heated to set them. Once set, thermosets cannot be turned into something else like thermoplastics can. Acrylics, melamine, epoxies, and silicone are thermosets.
Only some type of plastic bottles can be recycled. Others that cannot be recycled end up in lying stagnant in landfills, leaching dangerous chemicals in the ground or they infiltrate our streets as litter. They are found on sidewalks, rivers, parks, etc and they take more than a human lifetime to decompose. If this problem can be solved it would be of extreme help to our eco system and help Jamaica to be more sustainable. I believe the effects should be taught in schools and communities, they should be educated about the effects plastic has on the environment.
I believe there should be a ban on all thermosets plastic. If this should happen, we could always recycle the thermoplastics and use them over and over again. It will help to reduce land and water pollution. I would appreciate if the government could put a stop to this as it is destroying our environment.
Thank you for your consideration.
Kijana Josephs
20 South Camp Rd.
Kingston 4

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The Request to stop the usage of thermoset plastics. petition to The Jamaican Government was written by Kijana Josephs and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.