United States

Nancy Pelosi was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on September 30th. During this interview she was ask as to why not use the power of the purse to stop the war. Her response:

“I wish the speaker had all the power you just describe. I certainly could do that. That doesn't bar the minority from bringing up a funding resolution. They have their parliamentary prerogative as well.

So what we have done is to send bills that limit the mission, to limit the time there, to redeploy the troops. And last week, I believe, was a turning point in the congressional debate on Iraq. I think we changed it going in by putting a bill on the president's desk.

Since May until now, we haven't been able to put something on the president's desk.”

We want her to stop making excuses about why there is no vote on (defunding) stopping the war. We want Speaker Pelosi to step up and do what she failed to do for 9 months.

A vote on stopping the war is important to go into the record of history. A vote to end the "war" would place a statement that the American citizens do not find George Bush’s continuation of the occupation of Iraq acceptable. We need Speaker Pelosi to voice the feelings of the American Public and call an end to the occupation of Iraq. If she feels this action is useless, then we ask that Nancy Pelosi resign as Speaker of the House and allow someone to step up to the position who is not afraid to speak for the majority of American citizens.

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The Ask Speaker Pelosi to take a vote to "defund" the war or resign as Speaker of the House petition to United States was written by Jenna Meighen and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.