Florida State University
United States of America

While our tuition was still paid in full, the gyms have been closed for months, all sporting events have been canceled, clubs, therapy, in-class lectures, and all student help resources have been halted, with no repayment to the students who value these benefits enough to pay to go here. The libraries are all closed, as well as anywhere else printers are available, and students who lived on campus even had to move out during this time regardless of their living conditions at home.

We the Students of Florida State University feel that we have missed out on many of the amenities provided by FSU at the expense of our tuition, yet these fees have still been taken from us without refund. We feel as though partial tuition should be refunded to students for the months of opportunities we paid for and missed. We all still have other obligations to worry about, part of our livelihoods have been changed or removed, and our money still lies with the University.

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The Partial Tuition Refund for Florida State petition to Florida State University was written by Cameron Long and is in the category Education at GoPetition.