#Arts & Entertainment
Every SpongeBob fanatic.
United States of America

THe third spongebob movie, originally set to release on 5/22/2020, has been put on hold due to COVID-19. INstead, it will release on VOD in 2021. And that stinks! If we can convince NIck to make a direct-to-DVD version, it will come MUUUUUUUUUCH sooner. So, can we convince them to make a direct to DVD film for the first time? I hope so. PLus, it's good for DVD companies, because it could make DVD player sales skyrocket. Let's do this!

We have decided we want the next Spongebob Movie to release via direct-to-DVD so we can see it sooner.

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The Make the third SpongeBob movie Direct-to-DVD petition to Every SpongeBob fanatic. was written by Austin Moore and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.