United States Environmental Protection Agency
United States of America

I hope this request will be achieved and I hope that we citizens begin to be aware of the damage we are doing to the planet by obtaining products that we do not need or by being negligent due to laziness without realizing the consequences.
forest fires, deforestation, contamination with cars in poor condition all these actions must have strong punishments and not let it pass, we must be taking care of nature all of the time.
just as there are tickets for infractions on the streets there must be tickets for mistreating the environment, it is the only way to become aware and not continue damaging the world where we live in.

I believe there should be worse sanctions when harming the environment and animals because we need nature so that we don’t end up destroying it ourselves.

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The Harming the environment sanctions petition to United States Environmental Protection Agency was written by Juan Guzman and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.