Giving students the choice to wear whatever color gown they identify with
United States of America

Recently, our principal has spoken to the board of education and they have decided to change the tradition of having girls wear white gowns and boys wear blue gowns, to all students having to wear blue regardless of gender or identity. This decision was given to us only one year before our graduation and we have been completely blindsided by this choice. The student body had absolutely no say in the decision. We only ask for our opinions to be heard and hope you give all your students a chance to explain their reasoning for the end decision.

Students should have the right and choice to choose whatever color gown they please. We understand and respect that its an effort to become more inclusive of everyone. We feel we should be able to choose whatever color you identify with and not be forced to conform to the rest of our class. We are the class of 2020, this is our graduation that we have been working towards our entire highschool career and this is a once in a lifetime experience that we dont get to do over. The students should have a say/vote over the matter. A suggestion could be to give the students an option of red, white, or blue gown, take a vote and let the student body choose the color we could all wear together. We greatly appreciate the effort to include those who are uncomfortable being labeled and discriminated against. We only ask to have our voices heard and ask that the board listen to their students. Thank you.

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The Graduation Gowns petition to Giving students the choice to wear whatever color gown they identify with was written by cami smith and is in the category Education at GoPetition.