Fund Managers and the Board of Trustees
United States of America

The military-industrial complex is intertwined into each and every one of our lives in unique ways. The organization Code Pink has introduced the campaign 'Divest From The War Machine'. We can only achieve a more peaceful world if we reduce the power of those who profit from war. Universities, like Hofstra, depends on weapons manufacturers for funding. We want universities to drop their shares in arms companies, and also for them to adopt ethical investment policies to ensure that no new arms company shares can be bought.

Dear Hofstra Fund Manager(s) and Board of Trustees,

I am writing to request information on the investments our university holds in the arms trade (specifically Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman). Please send a portfolio statement for the fund(s) in which our university has investments. If you do not have a copy of this, please send me a list of the names of the fund(s) and the corresponding management companies. If the university's investments are held in a pooled fund or a variety of these funds could you please provide me with recent and dated lists of the underlying shares in which the fund(s) invests. Please also confirm if any shares are held in the above companies as part of a pension fund or endowment, either directly or indirectly through an externally managed fund. I would wholeheartedly encourage the university to adopt an ethical investment policy that excludes the arms trade, and would appreciate it if you could tell me if this is something that the university is
planning to do.

Yours sincerely,
Emilie Beck, President of Peace Action Matters at Hofstra

listed below are Hofstra students who have a shared interest in reviewing Hofstra's portfolio

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The Divest From The War Machine At Hofstra petition to Fund Managers and the Board of Trustees was written by Caroline Bowes and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.