#Arts & Entertainment
The Walt Disney Company

Biker mice from mars was an animated series that aired from 1993-2001 in many countries around the world. In all, 65 episodes were produced from 1993-1995. The Walt Disney company currently owns the rights to the show. Disney has not expressed any interest in airing this show on its channels or releasing it on DVD.

We, the undersigned, believe that Disney should sell the rights to this show to a company that will put all 65 episodes on DVD. Rick Ungar, the series creator, says that there is an 80% chance of the development of a new biker mice from mars series. The new series may be on the air in 2005.

First season biker mice from mars VHS can be found on online auction sites like ebay or amazon.

We request that the Walt Disney company sell the rights to the animated series biker mice from mars to a company that will release the entire series on DVD.

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The Disney, sell the rights to biker mice from mars to a company that will put the show on DVD! petition to The Walt Disney Company was written by Cherry Berry and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.