Rhode Island Parole Board & Sex Offender Unit

RE: Frank Moniz Case ID: P1-1990-3261A

On July 27, 1992, *”a jury deliberated for only two hours before convicting Frank Moniz of first-degree, premeditated murder for stabbing and slashing his estranged wife 52 times. The jury concluded the killing amounted to torture.” thus *”qualifying Moniz for a sentence of life without parole. But the judge did not impose that sentence, believing that Moniz could be rehabilitated.”

On August 20, 1990 Marellen Medeiros was brutally tortured and murdered by her estranged husband. She was just 24 years young.

I truly believe that Frank Moniz has no remorse for his actions that took place on that day in August of 1990. Frank Moniz, premeditated going to Maryellens apartment house with nothing but "MURDER" on his mind. Frank Moniz proceeded to ring Maryellens door bell at her apartment and tell her that she had mail so she would let him in. As Maryellen proceeded to open the hallway door, her estranged husband took out a knife that he hid in a bag under his arm and began stabbing defenseless Maryellen over 50 times with a nine inch kitchen knife. Frank Moniz stabbed Maryellens back, legs, face, chest, arms and hands. These stab wounds that he so inflicted were of such force that some wounds were with bruising. However, with Maryellen being athletic in stature, she give back the fight for her life. Her hands had "Defence Wounds", wounds that showed she put up a fight. But there was no winning when your fighting with a savage beast holding a knife like Frank Moniz . Oh Dear God, one can only imagine what was going through Maryellen's mind as she laid there bleeding and fighting for her dear life.

In 2005 and 2012 Moniz was up for parole and following countless letters, petitions like this, rally’s along with TV / radio talk show appearances, he was denied release both times. A sure win for all of us.

Now, seven years have passed and once again, Frank Moniz's case will be reviewed by the Rhode Island Parole Board for possible parole for the third time. It surely won’t be a walk in the park. It’s gonna take a lot more hard work and determination than in the past to convince the parole board to keep this beast incarcerated.

Now, the time has come for my family as well as myself to fight and speak out on behalf of family, friends, concerned citizens and for my late sister Maryellen to keep Frank Moniz from being given the possibility of parole in JANUARY 2020. It is in everyone's best interest, to keep this man Frank Moniz incarcerated for the remainder of his natural life.

Seven years ago I collected well over one thousand signatures from all over the United States and this year I’m praying to double the numbers.

I can not imagine Frank Moniz being an asset to our society. He has proven nothing but how heartless and dangerous he really is. I ask of you, would you want such a murder living in your neighborhood or possibly dating your daughter ? I doubt it!
So, Please, please, show your support by helping us keep Frank Moniz incarcerated by signing the petition.

Thank you...

Elizabeth (Medeiros) Rivera, Maryellens was my beloved sister.

*10/08/2012 Providence Journal Breaking News

We, the undersigned, call on the Rhode Island Parole Board & Sex Offender Unit to deny the parole request of Frank Moniz Case ID: P1-1990-3261A.

The Justice for Maryellen - Deny Parole of a Murderer petition to Rhode Island Parole Board & Sex Offender Unit was written by Elizabeth Rivera and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.