United States of America

In this time of civil unrest, political turmoil, racial tension, religious strife and gender based discrimination this country, much like the world itself, needs to be reminded that its the simple things in life that carry the most magic. As we sit on the precipice of a war, both on our own shores and the shores of other countries, Its necessary in an attempt to quell events that could spell the Apocalypse, we need to be re-purposed, re-aligned, re-centered. And the best way to do this is to change the National Anthem to Blake Shelton's Drink on It. We must be led to a land of truth, honesty, bad ass wailing guitars on top of Blake Shelton's velvety smooth crooning. The original national anthem as run its course, it no longer inspires the affect it once had, long gone are the days of teary eyed Olympians, now is the error of Blake Shelton's Drink on it. So come one, lets abandon the melody of slave owners and embrace a song that talks about whiskey, Jesus, infidelity, romance, and truth.

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The Change national anthem to Blake Shelton's Drink on It petition to Trump was written by Adam Lawson and is in the category Patriotism at GoPetition.

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