Jordan Peterson

Jordan Bernt Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His main areas of study are in abnormal, social, and personality psychology, with a particular interest in the psychology of religious and ideological belief, and the assessment and improvement of personality and performance.

We would like to start this petition to encourage Jordan Peterson is presence in Amsterdam is very welcomed and discussion around his ideas are stimulated.

Do you still have many open questions for Jordan Peterson?
Do you want to go deeper into the ideas of Jordan Peterson?
Do you want to act positively after the negative petition from the University of Amsterdam?

Why this petition?
Jordan Peterson is one of the most intriguing speakers of our time and presents his talks all over the world. However, we do not want to ask him questions he's already heard a thousand times. At the G10 we aim to ask questions focused on the difficult parts of his work, specifically where his analysis as a psychologist touches on political issues relevant today.

What does truth mean? What is lying with facts? As hierarchy a natural order among lobsters, does it make sense to transcend their order to human societies?
What does hierarchy mean for Jordan Peterson?

Sign this petition if you want to encourage Jordan Peterson to come to the G10 and contribute to a great discussion. Please share with as many friends as you have!

Hope to see you at the G10 of the Economy and Philosophy next May in Amsterdam, Huissen and Nijmegen.

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The Bring Jordan Peterson to the G10! petition to Jordan Peterson was written by Boudewijn Richel and is in the category Education at GoPetition.