United States of America

The flag and national anthem of this country represent the freedoms and the men and women who have fought for those freedoms of this country, throughout the course of history. Without respect for this, we would not have the right to our opinion or the right to make millions of dollars playing sports. You have the right to protest, but you have to use the right venue. Disrespecting the flag & anthem during televised games, that you get paid millions of dollars to play, is not the right venue! You are disrespecting the men and woman who have given their lives for you, to have the right to make those millions of dollars. That is ur job and you get paid very well to perform it. Organize your group and protest at a different venue. Nobody is telling you, you can't protest, just not during your job. We will not stand for it and demand the NFL be taken off the air until all players respect this great country that gives you that right. We ask all fans and sponsors to sign this protest.

We the undersigned, call on NBC, ESPN, all other NFL networks & sponsors to stop broadcasting all NFL games, until all players are made to stand and respect the national anthem and our flag. They have the privilege of playing and making millions of dollars because of the brave men and women who have given their lives for that right. We, the fans and American people, will no longer stand for the disrespect of our Country and military personnel. Please help us boycott the NFL, by having all sponsorship and broadcasting pulled, until these ungrateful over privileged players respect the lives of the people who gave them the right to play the game, Protest on your own time, not ours!

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The Boycott the NFL petition to NBC and ESPN was written by Leanne Kaplan and is in the category Football at GoPetition.