#Animal Rights
To change the BSL law in the Antelope Valley
United States of America

Paw by Paw wants to give the Pit bull breeds a chance at life and BSL takes that away from them along with the other breeds. BSL has been proven to be ineffective, heartbreaking, and costly. Owners are being ripped away from their beloved companion, which have not done anything wrong.

It has been proven that any dog can be trained to attack, so focusing on specific breeds will never fix the problem. Irresponsible owners are the ones that should be punished because they took on the responsibility of training their dog the basics rules. The dogs pay with their life, but the humans just get a slap on the wrist.

It's time that people stood up for the innocent dogs that are getting put down just because they are the wrong breed. It's Animalism! Ignorance has spread and has gone way too far, and it needs to be fixed. Dangerous Dog Law is the way to change the unfair world of the banned dog breeds.

Dangerous Dog Law judges every dog based on numerous things, breed not being one of them. Every dog has a different personality, so that's how they should be judged, as an individual. This law also places the owner's strictly liable for their dog's actions, which is how it should be. A dog is like a small child; it needs guidance and looks to its owner for it. Dogs' don't know right from wrong, it's their owner's job to know that for them and to teach them the right information.

BSL has been proven costly, ineffective, and unfair to people and their four leg companion. Every dog can be aggressive and can be taught to attack, breed has nothing to do with that. It all goes back to irresponsible owners.

With all that said, please sign if you believe that this is an issue that needs to be changed. The Pit bull breeds and every other ban dog breed need their voice to be heard through us. Only we can change the unjust world of these dogs.

*For more info please visit pawbypaw.org and Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this action of change.

Paw by Paw Organization

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The Ban Based on Action petition to To change the BSL law in the Antelope Valley was written by Brianna and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.