#Roads & Transport
Local, County, State, and Federal Officials
United States of America

Many families with young children are now walking, running and cycling along Lime Kiln, Wilder, and Willow Tree Rd and encountering dangerous traffic conditions. Cars rarely slow when they see pedestrians. Some cars stay too close to the white line; others cross the yellow lines, creating a risk of a head-on collision.

Citizens for a Safer Wesley Hills presents this petition to the community in an effort to encourage our government representatives to act promptly to install safe pathways for pedestrians on our busiest streets.

To address these issues, we request:

A. Sidewalks on Lime Kiln Rd:

1) Sidewalks on one side of the street between Wilder and 306

2) Paved shoulders on Lime Kiln from 202 to Wilder

B. Sidewalks / Paved Shoulders for Wilder Road from Willow Tree to 202:

1. A sidewalk should be added along Wilder from Willow Tree to Lime Kiln.

2. From Lime Kiln to 202, a paved shoulder should be added, with a painted bike path to minimize costly tree removal. There is a reduced speed limit of 25 mph due to the blind curves, however most cars don’t see this. “Blind curve” and “Intersection” signs should be added, and traffic calming mechanisms should be used to keep traffic below 30 mph.

3. Blinking light at Wilder / Lime Kiln Intersection

Install yellow/red blinking lights at the intersection and consider making it a four-way stop, since there have been multiple accidents at that location, and the yellow-blinking lights were ineffective at preventing accidents at the Willow Tree intersection.

C. Additional Sidewalks On Willow Tree Rd

1. Sidewalks on one side of the street on all of Willow Tree from 306 to Forshay Road.

2. Sidewalks or paved shoulder should continue on Willow Tree from Forshay to Grandview.

D. Crosswalks

1. A crosswalk and yellow sign in the middle of the road at the intersection with Carefree Lane to the park

2. Crosswalks and yellow signs on Willow Tree Road at intersection with Dike and at each end of park.

3. Crosswalk at intersection of Wilder and Lime Kiln.

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The Where the Sidewalk Continues (in Wesley Hills) -- REVISED PETITION FOR 2019 (Please sign again) petition to Local, County, State, and Federal Officials was written by Adam Singer and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.