Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson

After watching the opening of this years 2010 Emmy awards and finding out that Nina Dobrev can sing. There was a major buzz floating around on twitter about how awesome it would be for Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson to write a musical episode of The Vampire Diaries.

We already know how powerful the TVDFamily can be, after all we voted Ian Somerhalder as EW's Sexy Beast. Here's our chance to make our voices heard.

Let's get a musical episode of The Vampire Diaries.

We, the undersigned, would love to have a Musical Episode of The Vampire Diaries.

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The We Want a TVD Musical Episode petition to Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson was written by Tiffany and is in the category Television at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

The Vampire Diaries TVD