United States Congress
United States of America

We the people being citizens of voting age in these United States hereby petition the Government of the United States and all states under Amendment one to pass these following amendments.

Amendment One states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Amendment 28:
Amendment 17 is hereby repealed. The states legislatures shall appoint the Senators of their state to the senate. Said Senators shall be held
to what and how their state legislature dictates them to vote. Each state legislature shall retain and enforce all authority over their senatorial representative.
SALARIES: No senator or representative shall vote for increased salaries of either house.
Furthermore any law allowing an automatic raise is hereby repealed.
No senator or representative shall vote one into force any time hereafter.

SECTION I: A base salary shall be established for all incoming senators and representatives. The beginning base salary for a senator shall be 100,000 dollars and for a representative 100,000 dollars. The base salary shall not be increased without the direct vote of the people.

SECTION II: Raises for each senator or representative shall be approved for their term or terms only and shall revert back to the base for the next elected person. All raises shall be approved by their constituents and shall consist of three items being on the ballot for the raise.

A: My senator (or representative) shall receive the raise requested.
B: My senator (or representative) shall not receive a raise at this time.
C: My senator (or representative) is hereby removed from office and will terminate immediately.

SECTION III: Amendment 27 is amended as follows: After the election for raises is held in each district for each house the raise shall go into effect the next fiscal year. Those being voted out of office shall have a replacement appointed by the legislature of the state they reside in to fill their vacancy until the next scheduled election.

SECTION IV: No senator or representative shall have any transportation provided by the military or the government except when in combat zones or high probability of hostile actions.

SUBSECTION I: All transportation shall be by public means within the United States whether it be plane, train, taxi, etc. Vouchers for all transportation shall be submitted to the treasury for reimbursement or prior payment.

SUBSECTION II: Any arrogant cost shall be the sole cost of the person causing the cost.
The United States Treasury shall determine if the cost was an arrogant cost or if it could not have been avoided and shall have sole and final decision on its validity to be paid. An approval of a congressional oversight vote shall over ride the decision.

SECTION V: There shall be term limits for senators consisting of two terms. There shall be term limits for representatives of six terms. No senator or representative shall be granted any position within the government until they have been out of office for two years. Neither shall they be allowed to
practice as a lobbyist for two years.

SECTION VI: No Senator or Representative shall serve past the age of eighty years. Should a senator or representative reach that age within his duly elected term, they shall fulfill their elective duty and are prohibited from holding another term in office.

No senator or Representative shall receive a retirement of any sort other than Social Security. They shall not be entitled to benefits not assigned to private first class in the armed forces and shall only have those benefits in the duration of their term.


No senator or representative shall sell, exchange, or trade his vote for another vote, money, gift, or anything of value, tangible or intangible. Should this occur, the appropriate house shall impeach the offender or offenders. Trial shall be by the opposite house of which the accused sits. Impeachment shall occur by majority vote.
The attorney general of the United States shall issue a warrant of treason for said offender.
SUBSECTION A: No senator or representative shall vote on any bill, amendment, law, or regulation that shall affect their personal financial status unless it affects all people equally. Any vote other than abstain that is cast and that senator or representative increases their wealth due to the legislation shall be impeached from office and are prohibited from holding any governmental position or as a lobyist in their lifetime.

SUBSECTION B: No senator or representative shall use their position to investigate, punish, or intimidate an opponent whether it be an individual or business.
Any senator or representative having done so shall be impeached immediately. This shall apply to the President and Vice President as well.

SUBSECTION C: There shall be no law limiting free speech of any citizen of these United States. The only exception to this shall be national security. The Supreme Court or a court that they designate shall judge whether it is in the national security interest or not.

Congress shall not exempt any citizen of the United States from any law, regulation, or requirement having duly passed both houses. All citizens of the United States shall be subject to the same laws, requirements, and benefits; this shall include all levels of government including the executive branch, the justice branch, the legislative branch, as well as all civilians.


Congress shall review at least one department or agency every 12 months. No agency or department may enact on its own any regulation, requirement, or law. Any agency or department of these united states that attempts to or enacts any such regulation, requirement, or law shall be immediately defunded, and shall be eliminated from existence. Officials involved shall be arrested and charged with the appropriate offense.


Congress shall protect the sovereignty of the United States in all cases. The United States shall not be subject to the laws of another government except by treaties between the two which shall have been approved by congress and shall not violate the constitution or in any way override it.

SECTION I: The borders of the United States shall be defended against all intruders. Points of entry shall be established a minimum of every one thousand miles and there shall be no more than a seven day waiting period for any entry or denial of entry.

SECTION II: Any person in the United States illegally shall not receive any rights, benefits, or privileges provided for the citizens of the various states.

SECTION III: No person born in the United States without at least one natural citizen as a parent shall be a citizen of the United States. Such person or persons shall be a citizen of their country of origin and shall not be given status as a citizen of these United States.
The definition of a natural citizen shall be a person born of two citizens of the United States.

SUBSECTION I. Said person born in the United States shall retain the right to become a citizen of the United States. Upon written request within six months of their eighteenth birthday said person shall become a citizen of the United States provided they qualify by law. This shall not include parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or any other relative they shall not become automatic citizens but shall go through the same process as any person seeking citizenship or entry to the United States.

SUBSECTION II: Upon becoming citizens they shall have all rights and privileges of being a citizen of these United States. They shall not have the right to become president, vice president, or to be elected to a congressional position.

SECTION IV: Any person present in the United States illegally at the passage of this amendment shall have one hundred eighty days from that time to obtain a temporary visa to be in the United States. After one year of issuance of the visa the person must renew the visa or apply for citizenship.

SUBSECTION I: Any officer of law or of the court of the various states or of the federal government shall have the authority to arrest, detain, and deport any person found to be in these United States illegally.

SECTION V: All exams for citizenship shall be in the American language.
No interpreters shall be provided and all tests shall be on the constitution, history, and language of the United States.

SECTION VI: The official language of the United States shall be the American language. All communications regardless of form shall be in the American language.


Congress shall present a balanced budget every two years. Should the budget not be balanced or a budget produced the senate and house shall have all salaries suspended and all paid travel suspended. Should no budget be produced within six months thereafter both houses shall be fined one years worth of salary in addition to the original punishment.

SECTION I: Congress shall eliminate any duplication of services to balance the budget.
There shall be no duplication of services in the various agencies.

SECTION II: No taxation shall target any particular group, race, sex, or geographical area. All taxation shall be the same for all citizens of the United States including corporations, business, and any other entity.

SECTION III: Any income, property, or any other source shall only be taxed once.

SECTION IV: There shall be no tax on any items essential for life.
This includes but not limited to: Water, air, and all natural foods (not processed) in their original form.

SECTION V: All bills submitted to the president for his signature shall consist of one subject. There shall be no amendments to a bill that does not pertain to the core subject of that bill.

SECTION VI: Periodically congress shall authorize an audit of all agencies receiving public funding from an outside source with the sole exception of those that are funded for security or weapons research.
SUBSECTION A: Should discrepancy in the funds occur due to embezzlement
or extravagant spending the director of said agency shall be held responsible. They shall be arrested and shall proceed as any other criminal through the justice system under appropriate laws.

SUBSECTION B: Any funding or documents that have been classified top secret by any individual or committee shall be reviewed by the senate. Any document or other items that are found to have been labeled top secret which later was determined that there was no valid reason for such designation shall result in those persons or person being charged with fraud against the people.

SUBSECTION C: Employees of the government of the United States shall be under the same structure and pay scale of the private sector. Subject to the same rules and laws thereof.


No judge shall make law where no law exists but shall rule as fair a judgment as is possible or convene a jury to resolve the dispute. The justice shall recommend to congress enactment of such law if congress shall approve.

SECTION I: No judge shall rule against any part of the constitution of the United States.

Subsection A: This shall be what the constitution literally states and no interpretation shall be allowed.
SUBSECTION B: Any judge including those of the Supreme Court that rule against any literal meaning of the constitution shall be removed from office and be forbidden to practice law in any of the various states. If this be the supreme court justice the senate shall try them and if found to be
guilty by two thirds vote shall be removed from their office accordingly.

SECTION II: No justice or judge shall participate in any illegal activity while presiding as justice.
SUBSECTION A: The office of attorney general of the United States shall be the issuing agent of any and all wants and warrants concerning the justice department of the United States for or against any justice including that the Supreme Court. For warrants against or for the Supreme Court the attorney general of the United States shall secure authorization from emergency closed door session of the senate and must have a minimum of sixty percent aye votes to proceed. Evidence presented by the attorney general shall be reviewed by the senate commitee for judicial conduct before the attorney general shall issue the warrents.
SECTION III: Any situation that cannot be resolved by literal meaning within the constitution shall be ruled upon by the area of the constitution that most closely matches the situation or be delegated to a jury for resolution until such law can be enacted or resolved by congress.

SECTION IV: No justice shall serve past the age of eighty years but shall retire gracefully with the heartfelt thanks of the people of the United States.

Amendment 32: TREASON
Shall be defined as aiding and abetting an enemy, whether in time of peace or of war. Aiding and abetting an enemy shall also include any elected, hired, or appointed individual that breaks their oath to support and defend this constitution. This shall not include proposed amendments that are up to the people to approve. Not included in that exception is bills or laws proposed or passed. Any bill or law proposed or passed that is unconstitutional shall result in the charge of treason. Any attorney general of any of the various states may charge the individual or individuals responsible.


All executive orders written prior to this amendment are hereby declared null and void. Within ninety days of an executive order being signed the house shall review it and if it is or
was found to infringe on the constitution they shall charge the president and seek impeachment except in times of war being declared on the United States.

SECTION I: After being declared guilty by trial in the senate the party or parties being impeached shall be terminated from their office.

SUBSECTION A: The attorney general of the United States shall further investigate and if evidence of crimes exists shall arrest, detain, and try them in a court of law.
SUBSECTION B: Executive orders may only stand for ninety days after which both houses must consent by two thirds vote to allow them to remain in force.

SUBSECTION C: Eligibility to hold any elected office in the United States shall consist of a valid birth certificate and the valid birth certificates of both parents as well as any previously required by law. This requirement shall not be circumvented in any election.

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The Voters' Bill petition to United States Congress was written by Ron Morris and is in the category Government at GoPetition.