#Animal Rights
Responsible department: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
United Kingdom

I want to start a petition to raise awareness of all animals in the UK that are subjected to horrific deaths, baiting and acts of cruelty and neglect.

The story of Till the Labradors and many others like her that have suffered horrific and painful deaths has affected animal lovers all over the world. We need tougher penalties for these crimes.People cannot play God and take the lives of our animals, its not right, its not humane and these crimes need stopping.

Animals get such bad press and if they attack one time too many are put to sleep.So why should humans be allowed to get away with murdering , baiting and being cruel to our animals.

What we want from the Government is to see tougher prison sentencing for these crimes. Lifetime ban from keeping any animals.Increased penalties.

Put an end to the uneccessary suffering of our animals.

Please sign the petition below and at http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/63445

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The Tougher prison sentencing for murdering and baiting animals and acts of cruelty petition to Responsible department: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs was written by Elaine McCallion and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

horses dogs cats animal rights