#Children's Rights
Dennis M. Cohoon Iowa State Representative
United States of America

The McClaren Law - One Strike Your Out! Would make it possible not to return abused children to abusive care takers. It would enable the Department of Human Services to sever the rights of these care takers on the first confirmed and placed case of bodily injury.

This law would prevent the abuser from plea bargaining out and would call for a 15 year prison sentence with no early out for death. It would call for a 8 year prison sentence for bodily injury with no plea bargain and no early out. It would call for a 4 year prison sentence with no plea bargain and no early out for excessive bruising. It would call for a mandatory 1 year jail term with no plea bargain and no early our for all minor forms of child abuse. (soap & hot sauce eating, leaving children ages 12 and below home alone, etc). This Law would also address sexual abuse of children, it would call for a manditory lie detector test for those cases in which no evidence was left behind. It would call for a 20 year prison sentence with no plea bargain and no early out.

This law would also hold the Department of Human services, county attorneys, and court appointed attorneys accountable for their actions or non action. It would also prevent anyone with a personal history with the accused to investigate or work on a case.

'We Can't Change the Past - But We Can Definitely Change the Future'.

We, the undersigned, call on Dennis Cohoon, Iowa State Representative to eliminate the return of children to abusive caretakers by introducing The McClaren Law - ONE STRIKE YOUR OUT!

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The IntroduceThe McClaren Law: ONE STRIKE YOUR OUT! petition to Dennis M. Cohoon Iowa State Representative was written by Catherine Joenks and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.

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The McClaren Law