#Law Reform

An open letter exposing the hidden agenda of the RH Bill.

September 8, 2012

An Open Letter to All Concerned Sectors of Filipino Society – Our National and Local Political Leaders, Leaders of All Religions, Members of the Academic Community, Professional Groups and Associations, Alumni Associations, Members of Mass Media, our Youth of the Land and our Beloved Countrymen

Why the RH Bill Violates Human Rights and the Constitution

We, the undersigned concerned officers and members of organizations and associations – lay, religious, academic, alumni, professional, scientific, technical, socio-civic, business and trade, mass media, NGOs, Youth, PTAs, cause-oriented groups and concerned Filipino citizens - firmly reject the RH Bill for the total destruction it will bring to our families, our homes, our society in general, our Christian Faith and our nation.

Once passed into law, the RH Bill will unleash the following catastrophic effects:

1) Our younger children as early as 10 to 11 years old and up will be empowered with abnormal and bizarre “sexual rights” to have enjoyable sex with full access to pills and contraceptives, and that parents will not be able to stop them, under pain of imprisonment/fines or both.

2) Pedophilia, child prostitution and fornication among the young will be effectively

This will pave the way for young children of poor families to become easy prey of moneyed sex perverts, and parents who try to stop them can be threatened with imprisonment and/or fines, if they refuse to respect and uphold their young children’s newfound “sexual rights” under the new RH law.

3) Children will become the potential jailers of their own parents for refusing them to exercise their “sexual rights” by simply reporting them to authorities.

A careful study of the RH Bill’s following provisions show these very clearly:


1) Sec. 2 Declaration of Policy, Par. 3:

“The State guarantees UNIVERSAL ACCESS!! to medically-safe, legal, affordable, effective and quality reproductive health care and services, methods, devices, supplies….as it PRIORITIZES!! the needs of women and CHILDREN!!”

2) Sec. 28 Prohibited Acts, a-3:

“It is prohibited for any healthcare provider to refuse to extend HEALTH CARE SERVICES!! and information….on account of the person’s marital status, gender, sexual orientation, AGE!!....”
3) Sec. 3 Guiding Principles, 3-b:

“Respect for, protection and FULFILLMENT!! of reproductive health and rights seek to PROMOTE!! the RIGHTS and WELFARE of ....ADOLESCENTS!!”

4) Sec. 4 Definition of Terms, (4):

“Reproductive Health Care refers to a FULL RANGE!! of methods, facilities, services and supplies that contribute to reproductive health….it also includes SEXUAL HEALTH!!…the elements of reproductive health care include: ADOLESCENT AND YOUTH!! REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH!!”

5) Sec. 4 Definition of Terms

“Adolescence refers to the period of physical and physiological development of an individual from the onset of puberty to complete grown and maturity which usually begins between 11 to 13 years and terminating at 18 to 20 years of age.”

Note: The senate version Senate Bill 2865 states: “Adolescent – refers to young people between the ages of ten (10) to nineteen (19) years old who are in transition from childhood to adulthood (Sec. 4, Definition of Terms – letter a)

6) Definition of “Child” – every human being below the age of eighteen (18) years, as defined by Philippine laws and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Part I, Art. 1)

1) Sec. 2 State Policies - Paragraph 4:
“The State likewise guarantees UNIVERSAL ACCESS!! to medically-safe, effective, legal, affordable, and quality reproductive health care SERVICES!!, methods, devices, supplies….according to the PRIORITY needs of women, CHILDREN!! and other under privileged sectors”

2) Sec. 18 Prohibited Acts - a-3:
“REFUSE to extend HEALTH CARE SERVICES!! and information…on account of the person’s marital status, gender, sexual orientation, AGE!!...

3) Sec. 4 Definition of Terms – (p)-4:
“Reproductive Health Care refers to a FULL RANGE!! of methods, techniques, facilities and SERVICES!! That contribute to reproductive health….The elementsof reproductive health care include: ADOLESCENT AND YOUTH!! reproductive health…”

4) Sec. 4 Definition of Terms – (a)
“Adolescent – refers to young people between the ages of ten (10) to nineteen (19) years old who are in transition from childhood to adulthood.”
5) Definition of “Child” – every human being below the age of eighteen (18) years, as defined by Philippine laws and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Part I, Art. 1)


House Bill 4244:

Sec. 29 Penalties – ANY!! violation of this Act or commission of the foregoing prohibited acts shall be penalized by imprisonments ranging from one (1) month to six (6) months or a fine of Ten Thousand (P10,000) to Fifty thousand Pesos (P50,000) or both…..”

NOTE: The word “ANY” may easily apply to parents who, even out of moral or religious convictions, refuse their young children to either undergo sex education and/or exercise their unnatural and bizarre new sexual “rights” with complete access to any contraceptives.

As presently worded, this bill also denies citizens their natural human right to express freely their objections to an RH Law, if ever passed, which is a blatant denial of their right to free speech, a serious constitutional violation (Sec. 28 Prohibited Acts: The following acts are prohibited: (e) “Any person who maliciously engages in disinformation about the intent or provisions of this Act”)


SEC. 19. Penalties. - “ANY” violation of this Act shall be penalized by imprisonment ranging from one (1) to six (6) months or a fine of Ten Thousand (P10,000) to One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000!!) or both……”


In addition to the suppression and brazen violation of parents’ natural rights over their children just cited in the earlier note above, this senate version of the RH Bill AGGRAVATES!! such violations by INCREASING!! the maximum penalty to ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P100,000)!! from the original house version of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000), thus compelling parents to obey an UNJUST law or suffer more severe penalties.

May we ask why is it that in all of the over 15 years of campaigning for the RH Bill to become law, its proponents never brought out these provisions in public for our people to discuss them openly since it is we as parents and heads of families who are the real stakeholders who will see our families deteriorate and become dysfunctional?

How can family relationships remain cohesive and strong if parental authority is nullified by the government through a law that deprives parents of their natural rights to raise their children according to their moral and religious convictions and their freedom of conscience?

Alfred Kinsey, Father of Sex Education

We all know that the RH Bill is not Filipino in origin. It is American inspired and it is the handiwork of followers of Alfred Kinsey, the father of sex education.

It is on record that before Kinsey there was no sex education in the curriculum of any school anywhere in the world and that he started it all. He believed that the primary purpose of sexual pleasure is its full enjoyment and that, therefore, it is not subject to any religious-moral or social interpretations or restrictions. This is why Kinsey found nothing wrong in sexual relations between adults and children (pedophilia – 10 and 11 years olds in the RH Bill), enjoyable sex among young children (also in RH Bill), sex between humans and animals (bestiality), and sexual relations between persons of the same gender. (See Alfred Kinsey et al, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953).

But many fans of Kinsey are not yet aware that a good number of modern scholars have dismissed Kinsey’s works as unscientific and discredited him as a big fraud, as he himself shows on page 180 of his “classic” and “revolutionary” book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male” the results of unbelievable, utterly cruel, inhuman and bizarre “experiments” on the frequency and duration of orgasms of a 5-month old baby! and on a 4-year old boy shown to have had 26 orgasms in 24 hours!, a feat even gorillas would find difficult to ape. And his followers here and abroad still believe that young children should be given sex “education” with no regard for morals/religion nor any need for abstinence, as if human beings were just brutes or animals with no rational ability to realize that sex goes with love and love with responsibility?

The real purpose of the entire mandatory sex education program of the RH Bill only becomes clear when viewed in relation to Kinsey’s teachings. An entire period of six to seven years of continuous sex education without any moral or religious guidance, and even contrary to parental preference, is in truth a period of sexual INDOCTRINATION of the young in order to achieve the perverted Kinseyan goal of creating a socio-AMORAL culture OBSSESSED with the pursuit of sexual pleasure, as now seen in American culture wherein increasing numbers of teenage and out-of-wedlock pregnancies occur as more teenage mothers resort to abortion, to the delight of International Planned Parenthood, for fear of facing the demands and responsibilities of motherhood at such a young age.

The mere fact alone that the RH Bill does not stop with sex “education” (indoctrination) but that it GRANTS “sexual rights” to young children in order for them to PRACTICE AND ENJOY! what they learn from sex education, and PENALIZING parents or others who try to stop them, confirms the bill’s hidden agenda of achieving the Kinseyan goal of a new culture for the young that is dominated and driven by a strong desire for sexual satisfaction as an end in itself, outside of marriage and without any sense of guilt or need for any love or any responsibilities at all.

The net effect of young growing children having morally unrestricted “enjoyable sex” for six to seven years will be to CONDITION! them to resist, oppose and turn hostile to any attempts to restrain them from their sexual escapades thereby encouraging rebellion against parental authority and all religions that require them to practice abstinence or self-restraint. In this manner the RH Bill will KILL ALL RELIGIONS!, and will DESTROY FAMILY LIFE!

Now, why must parents, grandparents, or concerned elders be penalized for refusing to submit themselves to the immoral culture of foreign powers that seeks to harm their young children by turning them into sex hungry kids whose focus on studies and responsibilities will be sacrificed by premature sexual pursuits?

We all know that a correct sense of responsibility is acquired only through self-discipline and self-control and that it takes years of continuous nurturing for these to become second nature. How can young children mature in responsibility if the RH Bill grants them “sexual rights” as early as 10 or 11 years of age? And punishing parents who refuse to allow their children these premature excursions into irresponsible sex? Since when did the exercise of parents’ natural rights to rear their children according to the dictates of their conscience become a CRIME?

Is it not clear that the RH Bill is opening the floodgates to Western inspired moral imperialism in our land by OUTLAWING! both our natural and Christian moral values in our country and REPLACING them with highly immoral Western values VIA LEGAL COERCION?

Common sense dictates that when a proposed bill for legislation has two effects, one good and the other bad, the good must outweigh the bad in order to justify its enactment into law. In this case any so-called “benefits” of the RH Bill will be completely nullified and outweighed many times over by the total harm and ruin it will bring to our families and our country.

The Filipinos’ most prized national treasures that have made our people unique in the world are our love for and devotion to our Faith and our Family. And these the RH Bill seeks to destroy!

Government has no right to bypass or CRIMINALIZE! the natural rights of parents to rear their children and shape their spiritual and moral development according to their moral or religious beliefs. This would violate natural justice, the natural law, natural human rights of parents, religious convictions and the Constitution.

Among the natural human rights of parents violated by the RH Bill are the following:

1) UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Art. 26-3: "Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children." (underscoring and emphasis supplied).

2) UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Art.29-1: States Parties agree that the education of the child shall be directed to: (c) The development of respect for the child's parents, his or her own cultural identity, language and values, for the national values of the country in which the child is living, the country from which he or she may originate, and for civilizations different from his or her own. (Underscoring and emphasis ours).

The RH Bill is Anti-Life!, Contrary to its Claims!

The RH Bill aggressively promotes the massive use of contraceptives which are also abortifacients (killing newly conceived human beings), as admitted by the manufacturers of contraceptive pills. (please see the attached authoritative documentation of Randy Alcorn, pages 40-53, and the Physician’s Desk Reference PDR) and the IUD (please see attached US Supreme Court testimony), which will turn mothers’ wombs into killing fields!

Also, these oral contraceptives cause cancers and other serious ailments of women users, per the scientific findings of international cancer and other research institutes worldwide (please refer to attachments of WHO, UK Research Center, IARC, Johns Hopkins, etc.).

But the tragedy is that Filipino women users are not told the truth about these risks to their life and health, and that these abortifacients KILL! their newly conceived babies by preventing their implantation in the mother’s womb.

Adding insult to injury, those bent on promoting contraceptive abortifacients even deny that contraceptive abortifacients kill newly conceived human beings by claiming that human life does not begin upon fertilization/conception but during implantation, contrary to all that the Modern Science of Embryology has proven and has taught in all medical textbooks worldwide. But still these abortifacient promoters insist on propagating their unscientific claim without showing the tiniest particle of scientific evidence (Please see attachments on “When human life begins” and other related attachments)

The Right to Life – the Cornerstone of Civilized Moral Order

The fact that an atheist does not lose his right to life just because he does not believe in God or in a church or religion is self-evident proof that the right to life is not an exclusive right granted by a church or religion to its followers. Indeed the right to life is a natural human right ingrained in the nature of every living human being and is in truth a twin aspect of the universal law of survival which applies to all men.

Natural justice requires that the right to life mandated by the natural moral law be respected, upheld and protected by and for ALL human beings, specially the most helpless and innocent human beings – the unborn – whom abortifacient contraceptive pills slay in countless millions worldwide.

And since this mandate of the natural moral law to respect and protect the right to life is binding universally on the conscience of mankind, as demonstrated legally and forcefully by the Nuremberg Trial that invoked only this natural law to convict the savage Nazis for crimes against humanity, citing the constitutional rule on the separation between church and state in order to claim freedom of conscience to support the RH Bill, is completely irrelevant and invalid ab initio – because it is NOT the church or religion primarily that binds mankind’s conscience (including the atheist) to respect and protect the right to life, but the natural moral law which is prior to and transcends all revealed religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam included. This natural moral law is also the last hope for peace and harmony among men of all faiths, including those who have none.

Religions that see God as the author of the natural moral law REINFORCE on their followers’ conscience the obligation to abide by its tenets, but religions can never create a natural moral law which is God’s exclusive domain.

Hence, public officials who refuse to abide by their Church’s instructions not to support the RH Bill because it is anti-life are strongly bound in conscience by the natural moral law not to support the bill, inasmuch as the right to life is the supreme and most fundamental rule of civilized moral conduct as articulated in Art. 3 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948: “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.” (underscoring and emphasis supplied)

A persistent and incorrigible violator of the right to life advocates a Culture of Death and a descent into savagery.

The RH Bill Violates the Philippine Constitution

Since a State is bound by its Constitution and cannot act beyond its constitutional powers,, there is absolutely no way the State or Government can validly legislate laws that violate the Constitution itself. Hence, the RH Bill which aggressively promotes contraceptives and devices (IUDs) that are abortifacient can never become a valid and just law now or ever, under our present Constitution.

The RH Bill clearly violates Art. II, Sec. 12 of our Constitution:

Section 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception. The natural and primary right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and the development of moral character shall receive the SUPPORT of the Government (underscoring and emphasis supplied).

Clearly then in addition to violating our Constitution, the RH Bill also violates the most basic human rights – the right to life, the natural rights of parents to raise their children according to their moral/religious convictions, the rights of children to develop normally from their natural period of latency (3 to around 12 years old) through their teenage years up to their adult maturity, the natural right of mothers and women users to know the life and health threatening effects of contraceptive pills both to them and their newly conceived babies, among many others.

In the light of the foregoing reasons, we appeal to all our national and local public officials, all religious leaders of all faiths, all members of the academic community, our fellow educators and administrators in all schools, specially of Catholic and other sectarian schools, all professional groups, journalists and members of media, our Youth of the Land and our entire citizenry to relentlessly oppose this highly destructive RH Bill which masquerades as a pro-life bill, and together with one single voice of our entire citizenry, reject it with the fullness of conviction and finality!

Let us protect our most precious natural and constitutional rights from mutilation and save our families and our nation from total disaster.


We welcome all our fellow citizens and all men of goodwill who may want to use this letter, wholly or partially, for the purpose of launching their own campaign(s) to stop the passage into law of this foreign-inspired bill that is anti-Filipino, anti-family, anti-freedom of conscience, anti-all religions, anti-God, anti-civilized moral order, anti-humanity and, therefore, against our national interest.

A State whose families weaken and disintegrate will perish in the end.

May our good Lord save our country from the forces of destruction and may He guide us all to cherish, defend and protect His most precious earthly gifts to us – Life, Faith and Family.


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The Reject the Hidden Agenda of the RH Bill petition to Humanity was written by Josemaria Dela Cruz and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.