United States Congress
United States of America

Harry Reed
Mitch mcConnell
Etc. To many to mention who has been there a life time.
Hillary Clinton- Senator Jessie Jackson Jr.
And all Rep Or Dem jailed or removed from office for inside trading, laundered money etc.

We the undersigned, call on Congress, to set in law TERM LIMITS on Gov. Seats. In the House and Senate. Its about time that people in the House of Represenatives and the Senate, are limited to a restricted amount of time serving the American people.
We think they have lost touch with what is actually happening in America, and are to corrupt to correct yourselves. If you have limited time in office this will NOT allow you to form alliances that run deep. And allow you to focus more on Americans, instead of personal gains. You work for us, not the other way around

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The Term limits for Gov. Seats petition to United States Congress was written by JILL KEYS and is in the category Government at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

term limits