United States
United States of America

It has become increasingly apparent that Congressional representatives, once they come to power, become more interested in serving themselves and those folks who are the machine in DC rather than truly representing the interest of the American citizen.

While they may come into the position of power with all the greatest intentions to clean out the bath water, once they get in there, they get pretty darn used to the hot tub. The last few years of both ridiculously burdensome legislation and complete in-action to the real issues that face this nation bears witness to this absurdity that is our representative government.

It is for this reason that the country is ripe for Term Limits. Lets create a system where we do not get life-long representatives.

While some may argue that term limits will not fix the problem, the system is broken. Incumbents have too much of an advantage. Lets at least give something new a try to see if it can improve our representative government. It cannot make it any worse!

We, the American citizens signing this petition, demand that both houses of Congress bring to a vote legislation that would enforce term limits on all members of Congress.

This legislation would limit the amount of time a person can serve in the Senate to 2 terms (12 years) and the amount of time a person can serve in the House of Representatives to 5 terms (10 years).

Once a representative's term has been served, they can never again serve in Congress.

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The Term Limits for Congressional Representatives petition to United States was written by Stephen Scheu and is in the category Government at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

term limits