Members of the Public
United Kingdom

This is a q series of questions that the public have not had the chance to understand or support.

This series of questions are astutely avoided by politicians, and I want to know what the public think.


In my opinion, all Governments over the last twenty years have been taking members of the public for a ride. They preach DEMOCRACY, but in my mind, what we have today IS NOT Democracy.

What I would like to see is a series of changes to the Law to correct this error, and way of thinking by Parliamentarians:

1) We should legally ban Party Politics from ruling this Country.

2) Any MP who is proven to have TOLD LIES in what they say, either before an Election, or at any other time they are in Parliament, should face an automatic Prison Sentence.

3) Any MP who WASTES TIME in Parliament, with CHILDISH BICKERRING, or AVOIDING GIVING A FULL AND HONEST ANSWER to ANY QUESTION they are asked should be heavily Fined for each proven offence.

4) We should make it illegal for any MP to vote on any subject when he has NOT CONSULTED THE CONSTITUENTS.

5) There should be an automatic Prison Sentence for any MP who is proven to have voted against the wishes of their Constituents.

6) Politicians are in Parliament TO REPRISENT THEIR CONSTITUENTS, so the Constituents should have the legal right to sack any MP who is not trying to achieve what the Constituents want. MP's need to be made to be more accountable to their Constituents.

7) Imagine having to power to get the Government to reduce the Tax paid on Petrol, VAT, Council Tax, etc. I think we pay far too much Tax on many things, especially compared to other countries. Imagine having the right to ask why, and being able to demand an honest answer.

8) THIS IS DEMOCRACY! So I would like to ask you all to join me, and REFUSE TO VOTE AT ALL until we get Democracy back. We need to tell Parliament that we are no longer willing to accept the type of Government we have been stuck with for years. IT COSTS US ALL, so let's change it!

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The SUPPORT THE NO VOTE! petition to Members of the Public was written by James and is in the category Government at GoPetition.