#Civil Rights
Support for local a Dalby Family

We need your help. A local South African family who has lived in our community for over 4 years may have to return to South Africa

There are 5 members of this family, 4 of them work for local businesses, and the youngest child attends a local School, in fact it is the only school that he has ever attended. Why you ask? Due to red tape they are unable to prove that the father of the family can speak English when in fact English is his first language.

He he has not only undertaken a Australian Trade, but has since gone on to do another Cert II and Cert III while in Australia. How does someone suddenly unlearn English? Today many petitions were placed in a variety of Businesses in Dalby and I implore all of you reading this that when you are out and about in the next few days please ask stores and please sign your support so that we can help this family to fight this travesty and help us to right this terrible wrong.

Support the Grove Family to Stay in Australia.

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The Support the Grove Family to Stay in Australia petition to Support for local a Dalby Family was written by Support the Grove Family to stay in Australia and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.