Freedom Loving People
United States of America

As you may already know, the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York has filed an amended civil complaint seeking forfeiture of a number of real properties, including the the property at 7917 Montrose Road, Potomac Maryland which houses the Islamic Education Center (IEC) in Maryland.

No properties has been seized yet, instead, the United States has commenced a civil action seeking the forfeiture of these properties.

Should the United States government prevail in this litigation, the ownership of these properties including four Masjids (Mosques or Places of Worship) will be transferred to the government in and unprecedented act in violation of freedom of worship and First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Please sign our petition and visit our Facebook Fan Page above and "Become a Fan" of IEC


“ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ”
First Amendment to the United States Constitution

We the People of this community are deeply concerned and distressed that our religious Center and place of worship is subject to possible seizure and forfeiture by our Federal Government. We are reaching out to all freedom loving people to support us in defending our constitutional right to freedom of worship and to retain the ownership of our Center.

The Islamic Education Center has been providing services to the community since 1981. These services include daily/weekly prayer services and sermons, annual Eid programs, educational/spiritual classes, family counseling and nationwide Book Donation programs. Hundreds of children, teens and young adults enjoy a variety of sports, educational, arts and performance activities. It is not uncommon for several services throughout the year to draw thousand of people to our Center.

The property also houses our Muslim Community School (MCS), a full time State of Maryland accredited, non-sectarian, multi ethnic, Pre-K to 12th grade school. As one of the oldest full-time Islamic Schools in Maryland, MCS has produced students and graduates of excellent character and academic credentials, who are family oriented and contributing members to the American society.

For the past 25 years, the Center has operated a Saturday language and a Sunday School, bringing thousands of youth and adults to spend their weekends in a more productive way.

As a service to the community at large, for the past four years our Center, in cooperation with Mobile Medical Care of the Montgomery County and volunteer physicians and nurses, has operated a free full service Health Clinic providing services to over 10,000 uninsured and under insured residents of the County.

We’ve also been participating in regular round table Abrahimic interfaith meetings with the National Cathedral Center for Global Justice and Reconciliation, attended by Christian and Jewish Scholars.

We the members of this community appeal to you and kindly ask you to sign our petition to prevent the seizure and forfeiture of a House of Worship. Come to our help in defense of the First Amendment and our constitutional rights. As a community that has attended this Center for the past three generations, we have the innate right to this Center. We implore you to stop this unprecedented violation of freedom of worship by our Government. Should this seizure take place, none of God’s sanctuaries and places of worship for any faith would be safe from similar action. God Bless!

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The Support IEC Maryland petition to Freedom Loving People was written by Islamic Education Center and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.