#City & Town Planning
The City of Red Deer

The purpose and objectives of this petition are:

✔ To support the bike lane pilot project and encourage its continuation

✔ To provide the opportunity for Red Deer citizens to express their ideas and concerns


(pursuant to the Municipal Government Act and amendments thereto)

TO: The Council of the City of Red Deer, in the province of Alberta.

The undersigned persons, being electors of the City of Red Deer, in the Province of Alberta, hereby petition council for/to:

Follow through with the implementation of the bike lane pilot project, while keeping in mind the following:

✔ improve safety, wherever possible, by physically separating dedicated bike lanes from traffic
✔ improve traffic flow where bike lanes are present
✔ minimize the loss of parking
✔ improve communication with citizens regarding use
✔ promote respect for both drivers, cyclists, transit users, and pedestrians
✔ identify problem areas and make ongoing improvements to the bike network through a continuous collaboration process with Red Deer citizens
✔ improve communication of the pilot project to the citizens
✔ improve connectivity of routes to the trail systems

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The Support for Red Deer Bike Lane Pilot Project petition to The City of Red Deer was written by Mike Wiseman and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.