Government of Timor-Leste
East Timor

Tetum below

The Government of Timor-Leste is currently free of debt. Despite current substantial income from petroleum resources, the government has announced plans to begin borrowing.

In September, more than 137 organizations based in 32 countries endorsed a statement that urged "the government of Timor-Leste to keep the nation debt-free and refrain from borrowing money from international lenders.... to protect its future generations." The groups argue that "Rather than repeat the mistakes of other developing countries that have struggled with debt during recent decades, Timor-Leste should learn from their experiences, which often inflicted great hardships on their people." http://etan.org/news/2011/08debt.htm

Income from oil and gas provides 95% of state revenue, making Timor-Leste the most petroleum-export dependent country in the world. Timor-Leste has not yet borrowed funds from other countries or international financial institutions, but the government has passed laws to enable borrowing. In the 2012 budget, the government has proposed borrowing.

This petition is a joint project of the the Movimento Kontra Deve, a coalition of civil society organizations in Timor-Leste opposed to their country taking out loans, and the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (www.etan.org), a 20-year old U.S.-based group working in solidarity with the people of Timor-Leste.

Additional background on Timor-Leste and borrowing can be found in English at http://www.laohamutuk.org/econ/debt/09Borrowing.htm and Tetum: http://www.laohamutuk.org/econ/debt/09BorrowingTe.htm

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Lian Dahuluk

Governu Timór-Leste agora dadaun sei livre hela hosi deve. Maski hetan rendimentu naton hosi rekursu petroleu, governu Timór-Leste anunsia nia planu atu komesa deve. http://etan.org/news/2011/08debt.htm

Iha fulan Setembru, liu organizasaun 137 ne’ebé baze iha pais 32 suporta estatementu ida ne’ebé husu “governu Timór-Leste atu mantein nasaun ne’e livre hosi deve no hases’an hosi impresta osan hosi kreditor internasional….. atu proteze ninia jerasaun futuru.” Grupu ne’e argumenta katak “Infez ita repete erru sira ne’ebé nasaun sub-dezenvolvida sira komete iha pasadu, iha ne’ebé sira luta ona durante dekade barak nia laran, Timór-Leste tenki aprende hosi esperiénsia hirak ne’e, ne’ebé dala barak lori naha todan ba sira nia emar sira.”

Rendimentu hosi mina no gas fornese 95% hosi rendimentu estadu nian, halo Timór-Leste hanesan nasaun ne’ebé depende liu ba esportasaun petroleu iha mundu. Timór-Leste seiduk deve osan hosi nasaun seluk ka instituisaun finanseiru internasional, maibé governu aprova ona lei balu atu loke dalan ba deve. Iha orsamentu estadu 2012, governu hato’o ona proposta atu deve.

Petisaun ida ne’e hanesan projektu hamutuk hosi Movimentu Kontra Deve, koalisaun ida ne’ebé kompostu hosi organizasaun sosiedade sivil iha Timór-Leste ne’ebé kontra sira nia pais atu deve, no East Timór and Indonesia Action Network (www.etan.org), grupu ida ne’ebé baze iha Estadus Unidus da Amerika ho sira nia solidaridade ho Timór-Leste durante tinan 20.

Informasaun liu tan kona ba Timór-Leste no deve iha dalen Inglesh bele hetan iha
http://www.laohamutuk.org/econ/debt/09Borrowing.htm no Tetum: http://www.laohamutuk.org/econ/debt/09BorrowingTe.htm

Tetum below

We, the undersigned, urge the government of Timor-Leste to keep the nation debt-free and refrain from borrowing from international lenders.

We come from many countries, including those that have experienced onerous conditions that placed a priority on repaying loans over the needs of our people. Others of us come from nations that have imposed those conditions.

We have seen how too many developing countries have struggled with debt. We urge Timor-Leste to learn from their experiences.

Despite Timor-Leste's current petroleum wealth, when Timor-Leste's oil and gas run out in less than 15 years and loans still must be repaid, Timor-Leste's children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences.

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Textu Petisaun

Ami ne’ebé asinadu iha okos, husu ba Governu Timór-Leste atu mantein nasaun ne’e livre hosi deve no hases’an hosi impresta hosi kreditor internasional sira.

Ami masi hosi nasaun barak, inklui hosi sira ne’ebé esperiensia ona kondisaun difisil, iha ne’ebé selu fila fali tusan hanesan prioridade liu duke nesesidade povo nian. Balu hosi ami mai hosi nasaun ne’ebé impoen ona kondisaun sira ne’e.

Ami hare ona, oinsa nasaun sub-dezenvolvidu barak liu luta ona ho tusan. Ami bolu Timór-Leste atu aprende hosi esperiensia sira ne’e.

Maski Timór-Leste iha riku soin petroleum agora, wainhira Timór-Leste nia mina no gas hotu iha menus de tinan 15 oin mai, no tusan sei selu tusan, Timór-Leste nia oan no bei-oan sira sei selu nia konsekuensia sira ne’e.

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The Support a Debt-Free Timor-Leste petition to Government of Timor-Leste was written by John M Miller and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.