Asif Ali Zardari, MQM and all Pakistani corrupt politicians including Nawaz team

We all know about corruption of our so called leaders, as well as estiblishment, but I never would have imagined in my wildest dream that a person like Zardari and party like MQM will be in position to run Pakistan, well they can definitly run Pakistan but in to hell, one is most corrupt person and other is most violant party. Where we are heading?

see it yourself who'll be our next president, I simply can't believe this. Please stop...




I request all of you who loves Pakistan and want to see it exist forever, please sign this petition, just to show that these are not us who elected them to rule us. Believe me these people don't deserve even a land for their graves in Pakistan. They will sell Pakistan as they sold our daughter Dr. Afia to US, please let our peaceful demonstration stop them..

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The stop Zardari and MQM from pushing Pakistan in to HELL petition to Asif Ali Zardari, MQM and all Pakistani corrupt politicians including Nawaz team was written by Ahsan and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.