#Human Rights
Urgent Request to the UN, DRCongo Authorities and all rebel groups, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Sudan a

Urgent Request to the UN, DRCongo Authorities and all rebel groups, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Sudan and South Africa to strenghten their commintment to stop war in the in a volatile region of Kivu, durable peace and building the country.

For the past fourteen (14) years, the Eastern Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, specifically, KIVU region, has been going through different forms of war, violence, instability, genocide, crime against Humanity, gross Human rights abuses and so much more to mention the few... which have left/seen millions of people dead, displaced, fleeing the region and country, homeless, in extreme level of poverty and hunger, raped, Kidnapped/abducted, tortured and severely traumatised,... due to more violence and persecution in the region.

I the undersigned kindly request to the United Nations, all countries, organisations (International and local), good people involved in building the Dem Rep of the Congo, in finding a durable peace solutions and sustaining the Government of this same country, to strengthen and respect their commitment in restoring peace and finding durable solutions for the population of this volatile region and the entire country in general, which will enable them to live with more dignity and respect, by forcing all political groups, armed groups, rebels and whoever person involved, to renounce on their personal interests and focus in building the country by using NON-VIOLENCE.

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The Stop war in the volatile region of Kivu petition to Urgent Request to the UN, DRCongo Authorities and all rebel groups, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Sudan a was written by Bisimwa Crispin Kalume and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

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