#Animal Rights
The Australian Goverment - Ill try everyone and anyone who will listen to me

In Asutralia and thoughout the world, Puppys are just kept in Puppy farms/mills only for one purpose - PROFIT!

In return the dogs are given food, water, sheler etc, but it doesnt matter if you had all of them its the conditions it is in - Dogs are kept in a box, sometimes 20 in one isolated box, where they are hardly given any food or water, they are never washed, they are in pain from no caution, over breeding etc.

All of them if they could speak, would have their first words be 'Get me out if here ' they are in pain, many having to be put down as there is nothing the vets can do for them. If they were to die in a puppy farm and their bodies are literally thrown away in a corner of the farm or in large metal bins where their bodies are stacked up to the top.


We, the undersigned, petition to help the puppies as well as any other animal farm where cruelty takes place.

At a minimum we want the minimum standard of having a puppy farm raised so the dogs get more food and are regularly cleaned and only allowed to breed a certain amount of times, also having more love, attention and care.

I agree that my name may be shown to the target of this petition in order to show how many people are against animal cruelty.

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The Stop production of puppy farms petition to The Australian Goverment - Ill try everyone and anyone who will listen to me was written by Chloe and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.