Office of the President

At a time when local production is being encouraged, local producers are once again pressed against the wall. Poultry raisers are asked to control production to give way for importation. We have been proritizing forgein gain whilst sacrificing local producers. Let's put an end to this and be united as a nation; let our voices be heard.

We are asking our dear President Rodrigo Roa Duterte to put an end to our agony as producers and stop importing poultry related meat as we have sufficient production locally and have excessive supply in our cold storage facility. We ask Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Animal Industry to put a halt in giving priority to forgein businesses and stop importation at once.

We our truly grateful and positive that our voices will be heard.

We request that the Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Animal Industry to STOP importing poultry related commodity.

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The Stop poultry importation petition to Office of the President was written by Andre Go and is in the category Business at GoPetition.