United Kingdom

Dear Pharmacists,

Recently, one of our locum pharmacists in conjunction with some dispensary staff he worked with highlighted the issue of some medicine packaging which could cause potentially dangerous medication errors in pharmacies especially busy community pharmacies.

Some of this packaging is still in circulation and I believe you must have come across some.

We at TrueQuest are soliciting your support in signing this petition electronically so that it could be sent to relevant publications to further raise awareness.

Help protect patients ! Help protect Pharmacists !

We the undersigned wish to bring to your notice the issue of some medicinal packaging being used by some drug manufacturing companies within the UK.

The similarity of these packagings containing different drugs is a cause for concern regarding the likelihood of potentially dangerous medication errors especially in very busy pharmacies.

We are concerned about patient safety.

We are aware of the recent sentencing by the court of a fellow pharmacist colleague who made a medication error. Packaging could have been a factor contributing to such errors.

We all owe the public a duty of care and we hope the pharmaceutical companies could be prevailed upon by the Health Authourities to exercise their duty of care in minimising medication errors by making use of PROPER error-minimising packaging.

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The Stop Medication Errors Induced by Medicine Packaging petition to Pharmacists was written by TrueQuest Pharmacy Recruitment and is in the category Health at GoPetition.