#Law & Order
U.S. Congress
United States of America

Sutherland Springs, Texas. Las Vegas. Orlando. Sandy Hook. How many more needless and preventable massacres have to occur before we do something about gun control? Now is the time to stop the violence.
Due to recent shootings in Rancho Tehama Elementary School and the First Baptist Church, I would like to see changes for the protection of our children and others.
I would like to see new procedures in place to protect the innocent from dangerous situations in our schools and churches. I believe in Gun control and the safety of all children and other innocent people in our schools and communities. I believe we need to stand up for the changes we want to see and be a voice for all those who need us to speak for them.
We should be able to attend Sunday mass without fearing homicide. Schools should be safe for all to learn in, without the fear of homicide. Gun control alone can have the power to keep guns out of the hands of one mentally unstable person and perhaps save one valuable life.

Currently, Congress is considering deregulating silencers. This would make it harder to identify from where gunshots are coming in active shooter situations. The House is in the process of passing a bill that would make it easier for people to carry concealed weapons to any state in the country.

Please support by signing this petition to tell Members of Congress to: Vote no on H.R. 3668, the SHARE Act that would cause long-standing regulations on silencers and loosen restrictions on armor piercing bullets. Block H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act that would force states to honor the concealed carry weapons permits of every state. Ban weapons of war: assault weapons and large capacity magazines, which have no place in the hands of private citizens.

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The Stand Up Against Gun Violence: Increase Gun Control in the United States petition to U.S. Congress was written by Kelly Aquino-Lopez and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

gun control